The Good Wife Club

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"Agent Gibbs?" Willis, the base security officer, calls out to us when we get to the crime scene on the base yard behind an old set of units.

"Yeah," Gibbs answers him as I straighten my leather jacket that Ducky gave me for my birthday, over a plain white button up shirt, which is tucked into my black flare bottom jeans with the belt that Gibbs gave me and my normal combat boots. My red hear is tired back in a piggy tale that is through the hole in the back of my NCIS cap.

"Lieutenant Commander Willis, base security."

"Commander Hutchin's day to play golf?"

"Intestinal virus."

"Ah, Special Agent Todd, McGee, DiNozzo, Trainee agent Todd. How long since anyone's lived in these units?"

"Base closed the tract five years ago. Plans were to convert it to a park. Cutbacks put it on hold. The units were becoming a security and health hazard. We brought in a private company to demo it."

"When Gibbs introduced us, he introduced you, then McGee, then me. Why did he mention me last?" Tony complains while we get the gear out of the van.

"You are kidding," Kate states.

"No, for Gibbs to mix up the seniority order like that... it just, you know, it just seems weird, that's all."

"I really don't think it really means," McGee tries to say but Tony cuts him off.


"I wouldn't worry about rerouting the blood in your body to think about it," I inform Tony while grabbing Gibbs bag.

"I wouldn't put too much stock in it," Kate agrees with me while giving me a look.

"Why do you say that?" Tony questions us.

"Well, because I don't think it has anything to do with seniority."

"My guess would be level of intelligence and general competence," Kate offers making Tony smack the back of McGee's head.

"I don't say anything," McGee defends himself.

"It's what you're thinking, Probie."

"Soon as we knew what we had, all work was stopped, we contained the scene," Willis finishes telling Gibbs as we walk up to them to see that there is a hole in the ground down to an underground building with a body in it.

"Wow," I exclaim while looking down.

"Old bunker?" Gibbs questions Willis.

"We don't know what it is," Willis informs us.


"Move it more left. Your other left, McGee," Gibbs orders McGee who is controlling the camera in the underground building that we are watching.

"Sorry, boss," McGee calls over to Gibbs while moving the camera the correct way.

"Little nervous, Probie?" Tony teases McGee.

"Whoa! Hold it right there! The tunnel leads to the house," Gibbs suddenly calls out before heading to the house a little way away.

We all enter the house and after we make sure it is clear, we search the house. Gibbs search the living room, I am searching the bed room while Tony searches a closet off the living room that has a vent in it. The whole house looks like it just got pull-out of a 50's photo, but everything is covered in a thick coat of dust, which is the only sign that no-one has lived or is living there.

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