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"Last time I'm going to tell you, Tony. Don't answer my phone, use my computer, read my mail, look through my purse, scan my PDA or touch my cell phone. Ever!" Kate snaps at Tony.

"And an extra side of hash browns," Tony says into his phone before turning to Kate and saying, "Just so we're clear, Kate. I didn't do any of those things. Zero. Zip. Nada."

"Then how did you know where I went to breakfast?"

"Logo on the coffee cup in your wastebasket," McGee reports to her.

"Anyone invite you into this conversation, probie?" Tony demands of McGee while Kate turns and glares at Tony for going throw her rubbish.

"You looked through my trash!" Kate screeched.

"Did you say it was off limits? Huh? Did you?"

"Why are you doing these things?"

"Sharpening my investigation skills."

"Grab your gear," Gibbs orders us while walking into the squad room.

"What's up?" Kate ask him while we grab our gear.

"A dead sailor."

"We didn't get any calls."

"Saw it on the news. Huh, boss?" Tony asks Gibbs.

"Hey, DiNozzo. For once you're right. Come on. Let's go!" Gibbs orders.


"Who's in charge here?" Gibbs once we arrive while showing his badge while asking the nearest LEO.

"Lieutenant Cheney, sir," A detective tells us.

"Finish this in ten," Cheney says to the News people while walking over to us with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Lieutenant Cheney? Special Agent Gibbs, NCIs."

"You must be psychic, Gibbs. I just put in a call to NCIS."

"Oh, not psychic. Just watch the news."

"They monitor our radio calls. Chief says cooperate with the news media."

Budget hearing time?"

"You got it."

"What do we have here?" I ask the lieutenant.

"Not sure yet."

"News said a sailor was murdered," Gibbs comments.

"Maybe. Kitchen door is broken in and judging from the blood, it could be murder."

"No body," Gibbs and I ask him. Gibbs and Cheney takes a sip of their coffee in unison while I look in on the bloody kitchen.

"No body. Miller?" Cheney agrees with us before calling his agent who comes running.

"Yeah, boss? Right away, boss," Miller a young man say while taking Cheney's coffee cup. After a moment of through Gibbs also gives him, his empty coffee cup too.

"We got a nine-one-one from a telemarketer. Said he was talking with a Petty Officer Dion Lambert when he heard a struggle and the line went dead. Call was traced here," Cheney reports while leading us into the living room of the poor victim's house. I look around the room only seeing blood and many signs of a fight that could only have ended badly.

"Lieutenant, your ex-wife just called," Rand, a young lady informs Cheney.

"Which one?"

"The nasty one."

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