One Shot, One Kill

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"If it's any consolation, Gibbs, Gunny Sergeant Alvarez's death was almost instantaneous," Ducky explains while looking over a dead marine recruiter.

"C.O's on the way down here, Ducky. Can we move him yet?" Gibbs questions Ducky.

"We can't place him on the gurney until we take pictures and Gerald has the camera and he's nowhere to be found."

"Can we hurry it up? I don't think gunnery sergeant Alvarez would appreciate being seen like this," I state while looking at the body slumped over his desk.

"You knew the man?" Ducky asks Gibbs and me.

"No," Gibbs answers him before walking away to look around the crime scene.

"But if it's any consolation, gunny, he's the absolute best we've got," Ducky informs the body and continues to talk to the body but I walk away.

"DiNozzo, where's my bullet?" Gibbs yells making me flinch at the volume.

"Hopefully in this box or the wall behind it. Got your knife on you, boss?" Tony answers him while braking on of Gibbs rules.

"Rule number nine, never go anywhere without a knife."

"Go anywhere without a knife," Kate overlaps Gibbs.

"Are you sure about that? I thought nine was never ask a girl her weight on the first date," Tony says while taking the knife Gibbs is offering him and flicks it open to cut open the box looking for the bullet.

"Well that depends entirely on if you want a second one or not Tony," Kate informs him.

"And if you want to get laid or spend the night in the hospital getting your noise reset again," I also inform him once Kate was done.

"What've you got, Kate?" Gibbs questions Gibbs who was talking to the witnesses.

"Well, the kids can't tell us much except for where Alvarez was sitting when he was popped. Several people reported hearing a gunshot around thirteen hundred, but no eyewitnesses," Kate reads off to Gibbs.

"I bet you had no problem getting date wearing one of those, Gibbs," Tony says while holding up a poster of a marine in uniform.

"Dating was not exactly my problem in the Corps, DiNozzo. What did the Leo say?" Gibbs questions Kate.

"It might be gang-related. Alvarez had a couple of run-ins with the locals. Last month they threw a cinder block through the window here," Kate continues to inform Gibbs.

"Well, if it was gang-bangers, they're packing serious heat. It went straight through the sheet rock into what looks like some kind of toy warehouse," Tony informs us while looking through the bullet hole.

"Give me my knife back. You two better get moving. Don't come back without my bullet," Gibbs orders while grabbing his knife of Tony and then placing his hand on my back and leading me out of the crime scene to his car.


"Major Dougherty?" Gibbs asks when we get to a recruiting centre.

"Yes?" Dougherty looks up over his desk to us in surprise.

"Special Agent Gibbs, NCIS. This is Alice, my daughter," Gibbs informs the major while I take notes for the interview.

"Five months in Iraq, I dint lose a single man."

"What can you tell me about the Gunnery Sergeant?"

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