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After that creepy indentation from Naomi, I headed to my room and saw the boys leaving Raph’s room. Sophie came up to Leo and they walked to the main room together. Mikey ran up to me and jumped on me, nearly taking me down if I hadn’t grabbed him.

“Gyah!” I cried. “What is it, Mikey?”

“Raph’s being mean again…” he looked at the door and Raph was standing there. He looked like Naomi a little bit which was a little scary before closing the door like Naomi would do: Slowly.

“And scary,” Mikey added. He jumped down and I regained my correct balance. “So what did you learn from Naomi?”

“Nothing much besides what she told Raph,” I answered. “You guys?”

“Nothing,” Donnie sighed, walking past. “Those two are hiding something.”

“Well,” I pointed out. “It’s Naomi who’s talking with Raph. They’re bound to be hiding something.”

“But Naomi’s saying? ‘If I change the future, I’ll save a life and end a life.’ Don’t you think that sounds a little creepy at all?” Donnie asked.

“Yeah.” I nodded. “But the life won’t end by Naomi’s hand.”

“Then that’s a good thing, right?” Mikey asked.

“Better none of us than one of us.” Donnie sighed, leaving us behind.

Mikey smiled and then yawned. He finished and looked at me, “I’m tired. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

“Alright.” I smiled.

Without a warning, he hugged me, “Night, Mikito.”

“Good night, Mikey,” I hugged him back.

He let go and walked to his room. I walked into mine.


The next night, I woke up to Leo pounding at my door, “Mikito, let’s go! Time to get up!”

Groaning, I rolled off my bed and collapsed on the floor. More bangs on my door before Leo walked off. I got up and brushed my self off before opening my door to group up with the others.

Thankfully, I wasn’t the last one up. Sophie was. Leo was pounding on her door when I walked into the main room. When Leo finally came back, Sophie was leaning on him for support. She looked exhausted.

“That’s a casual teenager.” Naomi smirked.

“How many movies have you been watching?” Raph asked her.

“Too many to count.”

“What movies?” I asked.

Naomi looked at me, “I asked Donnie to install something on my TV and now I can watch unlimited movies.”

“It’s called MoviesNet,” Donnie sighed. “Seriously, Naomi, get something right.”

“I get my predictions right,” Naomi sighed, crossing her arms.

Sophie was finally coming to and we got up and left for the surface once more. Leo led like he usually did. We were all with our own little double groups like we usually were. It seemed funny with Sophie finally going up with Leo for once, though. Like she was helping him lead.

“Alright, guys,” Leo said, stopping on one roof. “Where are we going this time?”

“I think we should try over there,” Sophie offered, pointing in one direction. I was waiting for something to go off, but nothing did.

I looked over at Naomi, but she was gone. Even Raph didn’t even notice she left. He was looking around.

“Anybody seen Naomi?” he asked. Everyone turned around then in the alley behind us all, we heard a Kraang droid.

“I think we know why she suddenly upped and disappeared,” Donnie groaned.

“Let’s go!” Leo ordered, jumping down in the alley.

We started fighting the Kraang and I started slashing out. One Kraang grabbed one of my swords, but then Leo came from nowhere and slashed it’s hands. It let go of my sword and I grabbed it from the air before it hit the ground.

“You’re safe, Mikito.” Leo smirked before jumping away to the others.

“Wait, what?” I asked, looking at Leo finish all the Kraang bots single-handedly. He helped the others before finishing and sheathing his swords.

“You trying to impress us?” Mikey asked, coming up in front of us all. Then he rushed up to Leo, hugging him, “Because it totally worked!”

“Mikey,” Sophie growled, coming up and peeling Mikey off. “I only get to do that.”

“Who said?” Donnie asked.

“Me.” Sophie smirked.

Raph grumbled something.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Thought I saw something,” he answered.

Suddenly, someone jumped down from the roofs and landed behind us, making everyone jump and turn on them. It was only Naomi. She glared at us a little before brushing herself off.

“Was it her?” I asked.

“No,” Raph stated simply, coming up to Leo. “Did you see anything, Leo?”

“Of course not.” Leo answered. It sounded like a lie.

Raph looked at him before asking, “Turtles first right?”

Leo paused before nodding, “Turtles first.”

Mikey backed away from the two and went over with Donnie, me, Sophie, and even Naomi.

“Does it feel like we’re missing something?” Donnie asked, turning to us all.

“All the time,” Mikey agreed.

Sophie scoffed, “Yeah.”

I simply nodded and Naomi shook her head, crossing her arms in the process. We then headed to the lair, the tension around everyone a little tight and uncomfortable.

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