Multimedia Messaging

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Mikey had dragged me into the kitchen after he beat me with his video game. Sophie and Naomi were in the dojo and Raph came in as well rubbing the back of his head after Sophie had snuck up on him and tripped him.
Now, Mikey was in the fridge, trying to decide what to eat, “Alright, guys, do you want Pizza Omelets or Omelet Pizzas?”
We all looked at him and I asked, “What’s the difference?”
He held up a bowl of eggs, “Alright, you got me.”
Suddenly, all our T-Phones went off. Donnie picked up his first and read it quickly while the rest of us grabbed ours and read the message.
“Did all of you get a massive text from April?” Sophie asked, coming in.
“Yep.” we all said.
Naomi came in next, “Does it also say that she’s being attacked by an old lady?”
“Yeah,” everyone nodded.
“Is that considered an emergency?” Donnie asked.
All of us nodded again, “Yeah.”
We sat still for a little while, Naomi and I putting our T-Phones up when Leo jerked up from where he was and said, “Let’s go!”
Quickly, we ran to the high school where April was at.

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