"Kraang can flyyyy!!!"

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I stayed in the Shell Raiser with Pulverizor at the weaponry station. Pulverizor was looking around and then I heard Mikey outside ask, “Is the Shell Raiser supposed to do that?”

“Supposed to do what?” Pulverizor asked me.

I pointed at the power box with the Power Cell in it. It was cracked. “That’s not supposed to happen…”

“Let’s go before the Kraang can trace it!” Leo’s voice sounded outside.

“Mikito, fire the cannon once more!” Naomi ordered. I looked at my screen and a large fish-like mutant was running for the Shell Raiser and Naomi, so I took aim and fired.

“Is Mikito in my station?” Raph asked as he walked in. He glared at me and I backed away. “That’s what I thought.”

“Leo, let’s go!” Donnie said, closing the doors.

“What about Naomi?” Raph asked.

“I’m right here.” Naomi said from behind both Sophie and Donnie. “Yeesh.”

Leo started the Shell Raiser and we took off faster than expected and rammed another wall.

“Watch it!” Sophie snapped, falling down. “The Power Cell’s box is already broken enough!”

“We gotta hurry!” Donnie said nervously. “Or the Kraang will figure out where the Power Cell is.”

“Too late,” Naomi said, making all our screens have a picture of the outside.

I looked and Kraang vehicles were coming up close. “Great…”

“You should talk,” Sophie snapped at me. “I fell down.”

“So did I!” I backed up.

“Guys, stop!” Naomi pushed between us and glared at us. I’m surprised her eyes didn’t grow dark blue. She looked at me curiously. “We gotta stop them or they’ll get the Power Cell back. Mikey, Mikito, take up top and fight. Mikito, take this, though.” Naomi gave me a bow and arrow.

“Why?” I asked, but Naomi pushed me to the top and Mikey opened it. He jumped out then helped me up as well. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Mikey smiled. “Alright, so how do we stop the Kra…. AH!”

A purple bullet came from above us and we took cover. “Yah!”

“Kraang can fly! Kraang can flllyyyyyyy!!!!!!!” Mikey screamed.

I notched an arrow and started shooting at the flying robots, but Leo was driving a little crookedly, so out of the dozen arrows I shot, I only made three Kraang fall from the sky.

“Thanks a ton, Leo!” I pointed at where he was driving at and then suddenly, we drove off the road and smashed into a building, Mikey and I being thrown off the Shell Raiser when it took a sharp turn.

“Mikito!” Mikey exclaimed, coming up to me. “You okay?”

“I think I chipped my shell, but, yeah, I’m good. You?” I asked.

“Better now that I know you’re okay.” he helped me up as Kraang surrounded us.

I got out my Katanas and him his nun chucks. Ninja stars flew by our faces and we ducked. Naomi was coming from nowhere and sending stars at the Kraang.

“I hate Kraang!” she snapped. Kicking one, she looked at me, “Go!”

“Where?” I asked.

“Pulverizor! He’s alone in the Shell Raiser!” then she jumped away again. I looked to the Shell Raiser and saw a Kraang droid leave with the Power Cell.

“The Power Cell!” I called out, pointing at the Kraang.

“Stop pointing!” Sophie called out, slashing at one Kraang.

As I started running, Pulverizor came up and began to try and stop the one Kraang. He failed and soon a half dozen were picking on him. A few Kraangs blocked my path, so I couldn’t reach him in time.

Donnie tried to get the Power Cell back, but saw Pulverizor in trouble, so decided to go and help him instead. So now the Kraang had the Power Cell again and we were surrounded by broken alien parts.

Sophie came up to Pulverizor, “You cost us the Power Cell! Nice goin’!”

“I didn’t mean to…” Pulverizor muttered. “I thought I could help.”

“Well,” Naomi growled. “Ya didn’t.”

“Can we still continue our training, Donnie?” Pulverizor asked.

We all looked at Donnie and he shook his head, “No.”

“Alright, then.” Pulverizor nodded his head. “I guess we’ll go our separate ways. But wherever crime may be found, I will--”

“Bye!” all of us said annoyingly at Pulverizor, making him turn and walk away.

Naomi crossed her arms and looked at all of us, “Now to get the Power Cell back…”

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