DNA Stands For "Do Not Ask"

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I closed the cover over us as we headed down. April found us on our way there, so we let her in. She had some supplies with her, but I didn’t want to ask. As soon as we entered the lair, Raph grabbed Leo’s arm and literally dragged him into the dojo. Nobody dared to follow them.

Mikey got curious about what April was doing so I decided to follow him. Donnie, being Donnie, stayed his distance, but yet stayed in checking distance from April. He even pulled up a magazine and started reading it.

Sophie and Naomi had somehow disappeared somewhere, and nobody followed them either. Mikey and I watched as April got out her supplies for her project.

After a while, Mikey asked, “What’cha doing, April?”

She had a cotton thing in her mouth, so she couldn’t speak right away. When she put the swab in a container, she answered, “A school project. There’s this company called the World Wide Geno Project, and they asked us to send in samples of our DNA. Then we get to see who we’re related to.”

“Wow!” I exclaimed. “School sounds so cool!”

“It’s not…” April put nicely.

“I’d do awesome in school! Check out this DNA.” Mikey started before beginning to do a huge lugey.

Before I could do anything, Donnie set down his magazine and put a hand over Mikey’s mouth. Nothing came out and I breathed out in relief. I didn’t even know what was going to come out.

“Don’t you dare,” Donnie said calmly. Mikey looked at him. “DNA, the genetic code?” Still nothing. “The building blocks of life?” We both looked at him with blank expressions. “Look, it’s the code for our existence and it keeps track of what we are and why am I still talking to you?”

“I don’t know,” Mikey smiled, his mouth now free. He nudged Donnie lightly, “You think you would’ve learned by now.”

Suddenly, angry footsteps came out of the dojo. I looked up and saw Leo leaving the lair, going up to the surface. Sophie must’ve heard because she came into view and began following Leo.

“No, Sophie,” Leo said sternly. “You’re not coming.”

Sophie stood there as Leo left through the subway entrance. Naomi came into view as Raph did as well, only Raph through the dojo and Naomi her room. As Sophie stood there, Naomi came up and put her hand on her shoulder, whispering something to her. Sometimes, I swear she knows more than she’s telling.

“That’s because I do,” Naomi said from over where she was near Sophie.

“Stop mind reading!” I snapped, getting up and leaving.

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