Chapter 5

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It was late that same night that Daddy actually came by to drop Daniel off at my apartment. The party had ended hours ago and Theodore went to sleep several hours before that, so Andre and I have just been sitting up waiting on Daniel to get here. It wasn't until twelve in the morning that Daddy came by with Daniel. I pulled the door open and Daniel smiled once he saw me.

"Hey Danny," I smiled, bending down to hug him. "I thought you'd be sleep by now."

He shook his head. "Nope. I like to be up at night. Maybe I could stay up all night with you guys tonight," he said as he walked inside of my apartment.

"Well that can't happen since you're going to school tomorrow. It's a school night so you need to get ready for bed. Andre told me you've stayed the night over here before so you know what to do. You can get ready for bed."

He gasped, placing his hand over his heart. "Well then," he mumbled. "Good night Daddy."

Daddy sighed. "Good night. I'll text you in the morning, a'ight?"

Daniel nodded his head. "Alright. Where's Theodore at?" he asked, walking off to the back, calling his name.

I sighed as I turned to Daddy. "You can come in. Just give me a second to get him together."

"Take all the time you need," he mumbled, stepping inside of my apartment. "I needed to talk with you about a few things anyways."

What's wrong with him? He's been pretty quiet lately but never this quiet and awkward. Maybe him and Mama are fighting again. With the two of them, Mama especially, I wouldn't doubt it. They argue about the smallest things. I just shrugged is off and followed Daniel to the back. He pushed the door open to the room Theodore was supposedly sleeping in, but he was laying in bed on his phone.

"You're up?" I asked, walking into the room.

Theodore nodded his head. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep. Was that bitch ass Theodore at the door?"

I sighed. "Yes, that's Daddy and he's in the living room so please be quiet if you're gonna be rude," I said, turning to Daniel. "You know how to get yourself together for bed?"

He nodded his head as he pulled his toothbrush out of his bag. "Yes," he groaned. "I keep telling you I do Lindsey. I'm grown, I know how to get myself together. I just have to brush my teeth and then I'm gonna get in bed."

"Where?" Theodore asked.

"In bed with you."

Theodore's eyes widened. "Uh, there's clearly a couch out in the living room you can sleep on little boy. You better use it 'cause I got to the bed before you tonight. And I'm crippled. My doctor said I'm supposed to be sleeping in a bed for my condition."

Daniel smacked his lips. "The couch will pull out into a bed but you're in a king sized bed. And I'm scared. I can't sleep in the living room by myself."

"You sleep in your own room by yourself every night, so what's the difference?" Theodore asked. 

"It's a big difference," Daniel replied. "Look at it this way, if something happens to you then I'll be here to help you and I'm supposed to be your little brother. You're supposed to take care of me when I'm scared."

"You said you're grown."

"I'm almost grown," Daniel rephrased himself. "Please?"

Theodore sighed. "Whatever. You better stay on your side of the bed and you better get your own covers. And don't be putting your crusty ass feet on my side of the bed either and don't be running your mouth tonight. And if you start snoring, I swear I'mma kick you outta this bed."

So Far Gone (Urban) Book 8 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now