Chapter 9

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Am I the only person that's happy that Rihanna FINALLY put out another album? lol Now, Frank Ocean needs to come out with another album.

Effrin Jr.

After pulling off from the airport, I made my way across town to visit an old friend of mine. I haven't talked to him in weeks but he's been a main contributor in this plan I'm hashing out. He decided he'd be the person that would drive the wedge between Aubrey and Theodore, and his plan worked out perfectly. It worked out a lot better than I thought it would, actually.

He came up with the idea to break into my parents' house and attempt to rob them. We both knew, just like everyone else in this cit knew, that you weren't breaking into my father's house. But if you got the balls to actually break in, you weren't making it out alive. My partner sent two of his guys, who were willing to risk their lives for this mission, into the house with Aubrey just to make it seem like this was a normal break in. The two guys he sent in were shot and killed by my father, but that's no big deal. They were just pawns for the big trap. I don't know what went down, besides Leo and Raymond getting killed, but I heard Aubrey's in the hospital.

I pulled up in front of MJ's warehouse about 20 minutes later and climbed out of my car. Immediately, I was greeted by Tommy, the bouncer who guarded the doors to the warehouse.

"What's up E?" he asked, giving me some dap.

"Nothing, just chillin'. Is MJ around?"

He nodded his head. "Yup. Actually, he was just waiting on you."

"Me?" I asked as we walked through the busy and crowded car shop. His shop was filled with people, most of which who were on to his illegal schemes but then there were a few idiots who didn't know they were getting caught up in a drug cartel.

Tommy nodded his head again. "Yeah, he didn't say about what though. The only thing he mentioned was that annoying kid that's always up here. You know the one that's always joking around and can't never be serious. This kid always hangs around your nephew, like all the time. I swear, that kid is gonna get us all killed or caught by one time with the way he likes to run his mouth."

I chuckled, shaking my head. I knew he was talking about Aubrey since that's how a lot of people like to describe him as: that annoying kid. And I know he and T3 hang around each other a lot but that friendship will be close to done once I'm through with them. Theodore won't want anything to do with Aubrey once he finds out he robbed my parents.

"Yeah, I know who you're talking about," I replied as he led me back to MJ's office. The warehouse was quiet today since most of the guys were up front at the car shop. Tommy knocked on MJ's office door before he pushed the door open and let me step inside. "MJ."

MJ looked up from his papers and gave Tommy a head nod, indicating he wanted him to leave. I took the seat across from MJ while we silently waited for Tommy to leave the room and give us some privacy. "You're just the guy I wanted to see. I was just about to send a search team out looking for you man. Where you been lately?"

"Around," I replied, stoically.

"Well I told you about that disappearing shit. I don't like that, especially when somebody's supposed to be doing a job for me. Now, I paid you five G's to take out King and you still ain't done it yet. What's it gonna take for you to do this job for me? It's been over a year and I still haven't attended his funeral yet. What's taking so long nigga? Am I gonna have to motivate you just a little bit more?" he asked, placing his gun on the top of his desk.

I sank back into my seat, taking a big gulp. "Nah, I'm just waiting on the perfect time and place to do it. You know he's always got himself protected so it's not like I can just pop up at his house and kill him."

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