Confrontation (Part 1)

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The Silver Elven Prince walked into the slightly lite room. The atmosphere had an eerie allure as a dark figure sat on the other side of the candle lite place. As he took a few steps forward, he heard the other in the room chuckle, finding it amusing how the Prince stepped cautious in his own room. The other had been stalking the Prince for some time now, making the Prince uneasy and become aware around everyone he met. To him, it was hilarious to see someone of society behave so calmly when in public but watched his back every time he was alone. The Prince stopped in the middle of the room as he realizes that his stalker was someone very familiar to him. Making a fist with his right, the Prince snarled.-

"I don't remember giving you permission to come into my home, especially after what you did in Gorgon. Just leave. You're not welcome here." The said Prince before walking over to his bedside table. He took up his phone and rang the servant quarters downstairs. "Blane." Was the name of his butler who always attended to his needs and kept the Prince's secrets.

"Blane won't come" The other finally said with a smug grin on his face, although it wasn't visible in the dark. He rest one arm on the arm rest of the chair and placed his jaw on the back of that same hand, and his legs crossed.

The Prince gasped, dropping the phone to the floor as he started to think that the other had killed Blane. In one swift action, the Prince stormed over to the smirking other and grabbed the collar of his outfit, draping him up. "What have you done to Blane?"


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