The Past (Part 3)

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It was 20 years ago, the Prince, an Archer, a Dwarf and a Mage were on a they have received from one of their informants about a very specific criminal who was always in and out confinement. Each time they capture him and he did his time, he was released and always reverted to his bad behavior. The young team was starting to enjoy the chase since nothing really happens in the kingdom. Running through the streets and avoiding whatever the criminal throw at them was much fun and although the Prince's Father had forbid him from chasing the scums of the kingdom and leave it to the guards of the land, he just couldn't agree to it.

So there they were, with their backs up against the wall as the Dwarf, who was the one at point, peeked around the corner to see if there were any look out. The Archer took a high vantage point on a roof opposite from were the three were and the Mage covered the Prince who was standing the Dwarf.

"How's it looking out there?" The Prince asked as he lightly placed a hand on the Dwarf's shoulder to get his attention.

"Well, if there is any look out, they are hiding just like us." The Dwarf clutched her axe tighter as she began the imagine the thrill of the fight awaiting her. The Prince saw a small smirk on her lips then smiled to himself before he turned around to the Mage.

"You and I are going to sneak in through the back and D is going to make a distraction at the front to give us time to take them all on."

"What about the Archer?" The Mage replied as his eyes glanced over to where the Archer was, with his bow and arrow ready. The Mage didn't spend time to learn everyone's name, he was the emo in this group of vigilantes and he only did whatever the Prince told him to which explained why he was always paired with the Prince.

"A will cover D." The Prince always used the first letter of their character to call them whenever they were out on a mission as to not give away personal information if anyone were listening. After all they were wearing masks. The Prince turned back around and tapped the Dwarf on her shoulder, who then nod, implying that she heard the plan. He then looked over at the Archer and made some hand gestures and the Archer nod, implying that he understood what was to be done.

The Prince and the Mage then sneak away heading to the back of the building that there target was in while the Dwarf, grab hold of her axe again then walked out into the clearing.

"Oi, I'm here for Don Ven Danarious. I'm his long lost daughter." She smirked as the guards started to come out with their weapons in hand. One of the men yelled "He has no child". The Dwarf only grinned and shrugged a bit. "Well, I tried." She announced before running into the guards and swinging her axe left and right, while the Archer covered her by taking out those she missed. No one died, but they were all seriously hurt.


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