The First Phase (Part 26)

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The evening was cool as the sun had just set, carriages rolled up to the Magistrate Hall one after the other, their occupants exiting them with grace and were being greeted by neatly dressed male and female ushers. Security was high since many cities and town leaders were in attendance. The boastful laugh of the wealthy could be heard throughout the Hall as they greeted each other with handshakes and fake hugs of love. It was more obvious now that the Gala was for the aristocrats rather than to welcome the Prince to Themos. The Prince peeped through his window, trying to catch a glimpse of those who were coming in. This reminded him of his times back in Yalevindale, when he use to hate attending big events that meant that he had to meet a lot of old beaded men and their snobby young daughters and or sons and fancy wives. Moving away from the window to his mirror to look himself over just one more time, then smiled to himself and straightens his posture.

"Well then, time to show everyone the new Prince of Yalevindale, the Prince who doesn't cower anymore." He smirked as he exited the room heading down to the ballroom.

Hawke and the Archer had arrived a few minutes before the Prince had come down; the Magister was pleased to see Hawke and the Archer whom he had hoped to meet since their arrival in Themos. The Archer was beautifully put together, thanks to Farina. She made sure he looked like a true silver elven archer with his hair pulled in a neat small ponytail they blended in with the reminding of hair that was left loose. Hawke was clothed in his Circle's uniform with a crimson cloak draped over him, the two standing together appeared to be the perfect couple with Hawke a bit taller then the Archer and this made many envious.

"It's about time we meet, I've only ever seen you from a far at very brief intervals, but seeing you up close is even more breath taking then I had expect." Said the Magister as he eyed the Archer who barely smiled at his comment but managed to bow his head at bit in respect. "I can't imagine that you stay at home all day, what is it that you do whilst your house mate is away? If it will do you any good, then I could give you a job here in the Hall. You'll be able to see Hawke daily and still have time to join me for some relaxing tea." The Magister laughed as the Archer kept the small smile on his face.

"That will not be necessary Magister, the reason he stays at home is because can't speak. A birth defect that sadly no doctor or magic can cure, I should know, I've tried." Said Hawke as he aimed to remove such ideas from the Magister's head. He knew exactly what the Magister was up to and he wasn't going to allow it.

"Oh, that's a shame, such beauty that can't even speak for itself. But having such a person stand at one's side is..."

"Magister, I believe the Ambassador for Minrathous just signaled to me that he wants your attention. Shouldn't you be more concerned with those of society then those who barely matter?" Hawke felt himself smirking as he watched the Magister's reaction change to a slight snicker.

"Right you are Hawke, always ensuring that I carry out my duties. You will make a fine Magister. Anyways, it was a pleasure meeting you; I hope this time we get to see each other more, afterall it's a lovely evening." The Magister chuckled as he turned and walked away. He knew that the Ambassador didn't want his attention, and understood Hawke was only being protective of his friend.

Hawke and the Archer slowly made their way to the balcony as per their plan. Hawke pulled out a glass from his pocket and held it up so that any light or reflection of any kind could reflect off it which would provide the signal needed to let Farina and Varenia know that everything was in position. In return they flickered a flashlight to let the two know that they were proceeding with their part of the plan, which was to sneak into the underground holding cells of the Circle temple and release all the captured mages that the Knight Commander had brought in.

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