Chance Encounter (Part 20)

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"Everything is going as it should, soon I'll implement the second phase and move forward with the plan of world through the lands. Allow me to complement you on your progress thus far Hawke. You are more of an asset than I thought." An older, yet shorter man with grey hair and rustic bread spoke as he looked at Hawke before walking over to the tall window, staring down at his uniform society. "I don't expect them to understand, but in time they will. It's took me sometime to implement a small portion of my plan here in Hightown and now I can see that it was worth it. My efforts are now spreading throughout the city and in less than a week, Themos will be the most peaceful city to be envied by all." He chuckled as he looked back at Hawke who was standing at attention even after the man had told him so many time to relax when he was around him. "With my most effective apprentice and now the greatest mage's power to have lived on my side, how could my plan not come to pass. I only want you to remember something Hawke, you are no longer a child of Yalevindale, so I hope you don't lose sight of our goal and become entrapped in old memories. With the Prince here, I know a sense of obligation may come over yo.." He was cut off when he heard the immediate reply from Hawke.

"You confuse me to be some nostalgic fool who is ever plague by mundane things such as memories. I know where my place it Magister, so I'd appreciate it if you refrain from underestimating your Apprentice." Hawke knew his tone was more commanding than an request, but he also needed to prove himself selfish enough not to care about the Prince, even if it meant betraying his feelings.

"Oh, my apologizes, I should known better." The man chuckled as he pried himself away from the window and went sit in his throne-like chair where Hawke was standing. "In any case, you'll both have time to catch up. I'm hosting a ball for our Prince soon, there is a prefect opportunity to ignore my words and just enjoy yourself. Speaking of, how is your roommate? Its been over 6 years now and I'm yet to see him up close." The Magister smirked as he sat there imagining the Archer and for some reason, this infuriated Hawke. He could feel his fingers tightening in a fist as the look on the Magister's face as he imagined the Archer, disgusted him.

"He's away on personal business." Hawke heard himself spat out, hoping that the conversation would end there.

"Oh, that's ashame. Bring him to the ball then, it would be good for him to have more friends in Themos then just you. By the way, what is his name? I'd like to request his presences sometime without bothering you about it, since it seems that you could careless him." The Magister tugged at the collar of his outfit, fixing himself. Hawke was getting close to just dismember the Magister, but then he froze as he felt a stab in his chest 'Name.... the Archer's name?' despite growing up with man and now living with him; the man who cooks, cleans and remains by his side constantly.... he knew nothing about him, not even his name. The Magister looked up to see the dazed look on Hawke's face, this was the first he was seeing the mage like this, but what could he say. Just then an guard walked over to the Magister and whispered in his ear before returning to his position.

"Well Hawke, we'll end the conversation here. Apparently, even you have some things to learn about those close to you. Go, I'll send for you before the days end, the Knight commander is preparing for an exposition, see to it that he has all that is needed and give him the directives." Hawke blinked as he heard his commands then bowed slightly, before turning to leave the room.

As the door opened, there he saw standing as if waiting to come in was Valric and the Prince. There was no cuffs on the Prince's hands nor did he look as though he was being forced to be here, which only meant one thing. 'He came here willingly.' This angered Hawke as he stepped forward, ignoring both the men, and just as there was enough space between them, he heard his name. Of course he'd stop since no one else had such a name. So he turned to see the surprised look n the Prince's face as if he had seen a ghost. He then looked at Valric, who looked apologetic.

"Valric, who is this person? Are you now going around telling everyone you meet my name?" Hawke heard the harsh words escape his lips but he couldn't control it. He didn't mean to say it like that, yes he was angry but no one deserved his cold shoulder. Valric opened his mouth to apologize when the Prince stepped forward, hoping to close the gap between himself and Hawke.

"This person'? Hawke have you forgotten me so quickly, the Prince of Yalevindale and your friend. You came to me the night before you left, don't you remember?" The Prince's eyes got red as he felt as though that night all those years ago meant nothing the mage.

"Is that so? Welcome to Themos then." Hawke sounded charming and un phase by the Prince's words, though he felt like he was betraying him. Just then the knight commander walked up and cleared his throat.

"Pardon the intrusion, Sir Denarion we're ready." Hawke looked away from the Prince and nod to the commander who was accompanied by his two lieutenants, before he then returned his sharp gaze to the Prince and bowed only his head a bit.

[4/19/2016 9:47:49 AM] Lust: "If you'll excuse me." He then turned and walked off with the knight commander and his two lieutenants following close behind the mage. Hawke felt like shit, but he had to do it. It's that he couldn't have a normal conversation to the Prince, but after his conversation with the Magister and seeing the Prince here, there was only so much he could take.

So the Mage left the Magistrate Hall and gave the knight commander and his men their orders, before he left for the Circle, hoping to clear his head of all thoughts as he started to weight his load. On one hand there was the Prince who he had loved for so long, the man he'd protect to the end and die for if it came to it, but he was now in behind enemy lines despite being warned not to come. And on the other hand there was the Archer and the mystery of his life a secret to all, but his undying devotion towards Hawke make things even more complicated. Hawke swung his feet up onto his desk and placed a book over his face as he groan. He doesn't want to admit what he's feeling for the Archer until he knew how the Archer felt.

"Ugh, I wish you'd tell me what's on your mind." He mumbled aloud since he was the only one in his office, or so he thought.

"Well, the fact that you always wear black might have something to do with it." A woman said in a friendly tone as he she giggled after her sentence. Hawke moved the book from over his face to see Varenia, a fellow mage was sold into the Circle at a young age. She doesn't agree with how things are in Themos, but she never dare to make a stand. "So, who has you're heart?"

"When did you get in? Haven't you heard of knocking." Hawke said as he sat up, returning his feet to the ground.

"I did, but you were so deep in thought that the real world didn't matter. So, are you going to tell me who this mystery person is?" She was very persistent, but kind and bold and Hawke appreciated her company.

"Have you ever been in a situation where your feelings for someone feels like it's being held back by a greater force and all you need to do to fully understand it is to hear how that person feels about you?" After listening to the question he asked, he sighed. He himself didn't even understand what he had just said. "Nevermind, forget I said anything. Did you need something?" Varenia blinked then nod handing Hawke some papers.

"Um yes, see that the Magister gets these. Oh and as for you question, I think you should just follow your heart, only then can you know how you truly feel." She smiled than left as quickly as she came. Hawke got up and went to his window.

"Heart huh."


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