Internal Conflicts (Part 28)

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Tired, the Archer removed his belt-like sash as he entered his room, swinging the door behind him to shut it, he had expected to hear it slam shut but instead there was silence. Turning almost immediately, he saw Hawke standing in the doorway looking back at him. After awhile of staring at each other for awhile, he turned his back to Hawke and made his way to his dresser to remove all the accessories that Farina had dolled him up with then began to undo his top.

"We never quite finished our talk out on the balcony at the Gala, what were you going to say when Shivan interrupted us?" Hawke took another step into the Archer's room and closed the door behind him and bolted the lock. Removing his cape, he walked up closer behind the Archer while he was sitting in front of his dresser mirror. His tall muscular toned body stood dominating over the Archer's less muscular, feminine type bod.

"Is that really important to you right now?" The Archer looked up at the mirrored version of the Mage. "We need to stick to the plan and not let personal judgments cloud over vision." The master Archer said before glaring at the Hawke then getting up to a sudden start then made attempts to walk away before he felt the tight grip of Hawke's palm on his wrist.

"Is that what you think? That I'll let my feelings for Shivan cloud my judgment.Is that what you think?" Hawke growled at Ahriman as he squeezed his wrist tighter and stepped closer to him to close the small gap between them.

"That's exactly what I think. You were always the Prince's dog, and it's clear that you still haven't gotten him out of your system to complete the task. You expect me to believe that you, you who could spot a traitor a mile away didn't sense that the Prince was too far gone for you to have shared such information with him? Because of your blind love for him, our plan will have to be changed a bit for a successful outcome." The Archer tried to pull his hand away but it was not use. "Looking, this quest of yours has nothing to do with me and yet I'm still willing to stand by you, not because I'm looking for personal gain, but because I believe in what you're saying. I trust that you only want a better way of life for mages like you and if you pull in revenge and pity for your people then I'd still support you because in the end it will help not you but many others. However, your obsession with the Prince is going to kill us, going to kill you and I want no part of it."

Hawke had went wide eyed as he listen to Ahriman's words of truth, but he didn't want to accept them, so he pushed Ahriman backwards so that he would trip over the bed trunk and land on the bed. Watching the Archer flinch before he checked his wrist for bruises, Hawke climbed on top of him and grabbed both his wrist, pinning them both above his head. The Archer struggled against him for awhile before their eyes met and there was an eerie silence in the room before Hawke's eyes flashed a deep red color be and with his free hand he ripped the buttons off Ahriman's outfit then leaned down into his expose porcelain skin and lightly kissed it, before violently biting into the Archer's skin. This caused him to yelp in pain as he struggled against the larger male who was on top of him. Managing to bring one of his knees up, he pushed Hawke back, but it wasn't enough. As soon as the small gap was made between them, the Archer rolled over onto his stomach t get away but Hawke grabbed him by his hair and pulled him back towards him. Both standing upright on their knees, Hawke held both of Ahriman's wrists in hand and his free hand reached around to grip the Archer's jaw, before lightly tracing over his body. Sensually, his hand traced over the slightly toned chest before circling his nipples one after the other. Ahriman's body jolted in his hand betraying his mind which claimed not to want such things be done to him.

"Ne et. Jus stop it. Haven't you made enough fun of me." Ahriman barely spoke as he felt Hawke's hand going down into his trousers and groping him. His head involuntarily rocked backwards and his hips thrust forward. "Hawke" He utter softly as he tried to pulled his hands free.

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