Secrets (Part 22)

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The Mage returned to the privacy of his compound later that evening. Riding his horse into the stable that was just by the house. He dismounted his horse and locked it in its stall before petting the horse for a bit. He then close up the stable and made his way into the dark house. Without thinking, he did his usual routine cry, which was to call out to the Archer letting him know he was home.

"Archer, I'm back. What's..." His vice trailed off as he realize that there was no sweet aroma coming from the kitchen. Dinner was not prepared, but how could that be when-. "That's right, he's not back yet." The Mage said as he closed the door behind himself and lite a nearby lamp torch as he made his way into the kitchen. There was nothing there to eat than a loaf of day old bread and barely any red wine to wash it down. The Mage sighed as he leaned against the kitchen table and started to look about the kitchen as if seeing the Archer there as he would be when making dinner. Without realizing, he was smiling as he allowed his imagination to get carried away before he come too when he heard a knock at the door. Standing upright, he felt his ears twitch as the door was knocked again and this time he began to make his way to the door. He knew it couldn't be the Archer because he wouldn't be back until the following night. The Mage went to open the door to find the Magister's message boy standing there. The boy stood before the tall Mage before managing to speak.

"S-Sir Denarion, The Magister has send a formal invitation for you and your house mate for the coming Gala to be held in the Magistrate Hall." The young boy extended his hand to the Mage, which had two envelopes in it. The Mage took them and glanced it over as he muttered to him before he heard the boy speak again. "The Magister also wants me to tell you that you need not go the Circle or Magistrate Hall tomorrow, as per your duties will be suspended for the day. He's asking that you take some time off and be ready to resume your duties after the Gala." The boy looked up at the Mage, who had a 'could careless' stare before he nod to the messenger.

"Message received, you may return to him now." The Mage watched as the boy bowed to him, three times before hurrying away, climbing up on his high breed horse, no doubt a gift from the lecherous Magister, and rode off. The Mage sighed as he pulled himself back inside and close the door. "Since when did it become a Gala, I thought it was just a simple ball. If they are able to utilize Red Mage's power then, this Gala will be a summit for those who want to accept the Magister's world order. Dammit Archer, hurry up and get here already, I can't do this without you." He then place the invites on the fireplace and made his way up to the roof, to look at the night sky. "The Prince and the Archer, one of you are hiding something from me."


The Archer arrived in Groodivillie and had just sat down with the Dwarf to explain to her the Mage's true reasons for going to Themos.

"What? Wait so who gave this mission to Hawke and why didn't anyone tell me any of this before now? Not because I'm short, I'm not beneath any of you bozos. And now you come to me expecting to get aid, I have a right mind to shove my fist up where the sun don't shine, ya know."

"Relax." The Archer said calmly and in a monotone voice. "Hawke didn't want to implicate you since you had a family and home that you were returning to. He only recently decided to involve you because the Prince foolishly get himself involved and to make matters worst, he stands with the opposite side. Hawke believes that if the Prince sees us working together, then he might rethink his decision."

"I take it that you don't agree with him though, do you?" She glance at the Archer, who glared at her before looking away. He was like a brother to her, so she knew him well, even how he felt about Hawke. The Archer would always get annoyed when he never agreed with something and right now he was showing just how annoyed he was. He didn't need to answer her question, because he knew that she'd find out. "That damn Hawke, never considering other's feelings." She teased him before getting up to pack her travel satchel. "Anyways, if we are going to have any chance of foiling that goat cheese's plan then we better...

"Goat Cheese? You still haven't learnt to swear?" He smiled once as he watched the Dwarf's face got a tad red before returning to normal.

"Be quiet, at least I don't have secrets." This strike a nervous in the Archer as he got up immediately and walked out of the Dwarf's small dwelling. After sometime, she emerged from the house, dressed and ready for the road ahead. The Archer noticed her then climbed on his horse, holding it's ruins tightly as it started to stomp around a bit. "Look Archie." Which was her nickname for the beautiful male. "I know you have your reasons and some of it you don't know yourself, but if you want him to see you, and I mean really see you, then you have to trust him enough to let him in. There's only so much cold shoulder a guy can take." She finished as she climbed her horse then waved to some of her family and friends who came to see her off. They both then gulped away, but her words still resonated in his head over and over.

"Should I tell him?"


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