You're a Mage? (Part 15)

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It has only been a few months and the Prince's powers were yet to be more than healing. Being able to heal any injury was great, but he wanted to impress his father with something much greater. Sighing, he looked up at his father who was sitting on his throne waiting for his son to 'show him' something. The Prince had approached him earlier that morning and told him that he needed to show him something. At first the king had wasn't interested, but when the Prince motioned his mother, the king suddenly wanted to see what his son was talking about.

"Go ahead Prince Gayle, show me what you need to." The said in a calm voice, even though he was sweating with anticipation. The Prince nod then unsheathe his sword, and like a proper swordsman, he held the sharpen side to his neck ready to cut his throat. Castle guards who were in the room and servants began to gasp at the frighten sight before them. The king stood up with mix emotions on his face.

"Gayle? What are you doing? Put the sword away. Did you gather us here to show us your suicide?" He was terrified mostly, but not because the Prince was about to kill himself, but because he knew that when the man from earlier returned, he'd have to explain and or perhaps, he'd lose his life too.

"Your Majesty, guards and servants, be still. This isn't an attempt on my life, my King, I said I had something to saw you, so please be silent while I do this." The Prince looked at them all then in one painful pull, he dragged the sword across his neck and a sea of blood began to gush from his wound. Those who didn't fainted, cringed at the sight of the Prince bleeding. As the Prince started to fall to his knees, the king got up and was rushing over to his son, when he noticed something, his son was not gasping for air or anything, but instead his lips moved at a very fast pace as if he was chanting something. Just as the king reach the lifeless Prince who laid on the ground, the Prince started to glow and a light began to grow from his wound until it consumed him. The King staggered backwards and shield his eyes from the light, as did everyone else.

Once the light clear, many were in shock, eyes bulging from their heads and mouths wide open. No one could comprehend what they saw, not even the king, who rubbed his eyes a few times and stuttered a bit.

"I told you to be silent and let me display what I had to, Father." The Prince smirked as he bend down to pick up his sword and flash his blood off it before sheathing it. HIs wound was completely healed not even a scar, it was as if he was back from the dead. The servants murmured of how could the Prince perform such magic. The King then recovered silently and send everyone out, and once they were all out he walked over to the Prince and placed a hand on his neck as if to check if it was a trick or something.

"You're a mage?" The king smiled then pulled his son into a tight embrace. This was the first time he had ever showed such affection to his son, and while the Prince was greatly happy about this, he knew why the King was so happy and was showing him this affection. "My son's a Mage." The Prince heard the king say it again and this time he felt a sharp pain in his chest, he was conflicted in the inside. On one hand, his father wouldn't have to be threaten by whoever was pulling the strings anymore, but on the other hand, now that his father had found out that he had powers, what was in story for him.

In a soft, hush tone, while his head was buried into his father fur cape, he sighed then nod just.

"Yeah, I'm a mage...."


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