Denial (Part 29)

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The Prince sat inside the Magister's court while the Magister was busy giving orders to carry on with the plan that was now set in motion. The Prince placed his index finger on his lips as his mind lingered on the thought of Hawke. It's been years since he had been that close to the Mage and his body ached unnaturally for the dark magic Mage. His surroundings started to blur together as he started to imagine a blissful evening with the man he holds so dear, the way his body would curl to the Mage's every touch, firm toned muscles pressed up against his frail one as beads of sweat exaggerate their wetness. A slight moan escaped his lips and he immediately jumped and looked around to see if anyone else had heard him. The Magister was just finishing talking to his Knight Commander when he noticed the Prince's actions. Smiling to himself, he closed a file that was before him and cleared his throat.

"You seem ready to get things started or are you having second thoughts?"

"Oh no." The Prince smiled back as he looked towards the Magister. "I was thinking that I should have spent more time with Hawke at the party."

"Ah I see, yes I too wish that he could have stayed longer. However, what he was talking about is very troubling. He's a very trusted Mage amongst my ranks; I even want to promote him to being the next Magister, but this..." The Magister trailed off as he removed his glasses and got up from his desk. "How can I award him now knowing that he's moving against me?"

"No, I know Hawke. There must be something else going on, Hawke always follows orders, this isn't something that he'd do on his own." Shartan said in quick defense of the Mage. "I only wish I knew who it was. However the real question is why does he seem so convinced that you've brain washed me?" The Prince said folding his arms as if expecting an answer from the Magister.

"It's only because he doesn't see you as a person who can make his own decisions." Valric announced as he walked in closing the door behind him and moving over to the Magister to whisper something into his ears. Shartan looked at them puzzled, ignoring the statement as he began to wonder what Valric was telling the Magister.

"Well then" Shartan heard the Magister announced. "It looks like there was a prison break."

"What?" The Prince stood up looking even more confused.

"The Mages we were planning on using to aid in the ceremony are all missing from their cells." A hint of annoyance could be heard in the Magister's tone as he sighed and looked at Valric. "We'll have to move to the temple tonight which will affect the time of the original plans."

"What about the other mages? We don't have enough to cover the preparations." Valric said as he brushed a few strands of hair from his face.

"I can help." Shartan clutched his fists. "I'll convince Hawke to join us and then you'll see that he is loyal to the cause."

"Well if you can do that then you should go with the Knight Commander. He's heading to Denarion's home now to ask him some questions." The Magister said as he looked at the Prince as if the Prince's plan might work

The Prince nodded then walked from the room. He knew that the Knight Commander wasn't going to ask any questions but perhaps just kill Hawke and anyone else who was with him.

"Do you really think that he'll be able to convince the Mage?" Valric said as he turned to look at the magister who was now putting all his important files together and taking them over to the fireplace to burn.

"Not a chance. He still thinks of Hawke as the cold-hearted kid from his past, not realizing that that man is more calculated than ever. I was right to have kept him under my nose all this time, however, now I'm thinking that I made him come too close. Tsk, what a mess I've created for myself. I need to find out his weakness."

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