Choices (Part 19)

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When the Prince woke up that morning, he was surprised at what he heard. Nothing. Themos seemed to be so silent comparing to Yalevindale. He swung his feet out of bed and got up going over to the window to investigate. It's not that Themos was a silent city, but there in Hightown, the people were more proud and civilized. The Prince awed at this knowing that his little kingdom could never achieve such behavior from it's people. The children he saw were wearing some type of uniform and walking in an orderly fashion which suggested that they were going to some school. The knight guards patrolled the streets and everyone seemed to be at peace.

"Fasinating, isn't it? This is what our Magister hope to achieve for all the large and small cities." Valric had entered the Prince's room which much alert. The Prince jumped at he voice then turned around to see Valric, dressed in a more fancier wear than what he had on the night before. His hair was in a high ponytail and his clothes hang on his shoulders with much class. For a moment there the Prince almost said out loud 'Handsome'.

"What? What are you doing in my room?" His tone different from his thoughts as he grabbed the chest of his nightwear as if hiding his body.

"Oh yes, my apologizes, I should have knocked. It's just the Magister would like to meet you now, though he's currently in a meeting with his apprentice, I'm sure by the time you get ready they'll be finished. Please, get dressed and lets be on our way. You have a busy day ahead of you." Valric smiled somewhat then turned and walked over to the door of the room. "I'll wait for you outside." He then walked out of the Prince's room, closing the door behind himself.

The Prince watched as Valric left before he walked over t the bed and sit down at the foot of his bed with a sigh. He knew what he was getting himself into, but what other choice did he have, his father was ill and as Valric had said, they are trying to help him. Perhaps he owned these people for all they had down for him and his father, either way, he was the Prince of Yalevindale and he had a role to play as the next king. Plus, he knew nothing about his mother and based on what his father told him and Valric also, he was starting to hate the woman. After clearing his head, he got up then went to the bathroom to get ready, it was time for him to stop feeling sorry for himself and for the past, he was here now, despite Hawke's warning, he was going to take charge f his life and not listen to anyone anymore.

The Prince emerged from his room a while later dressed in a less formal attire with his hair loose. Just as Valric said, he was waiting for the Prince but he didn't seem troubled at how long the Prince took.

"My apologizes for keeping you waiting" The Prince said as he closed the door behind him and walked out into the passage way a bit.

"Nonesense, you are a Prince after all, I expect no different. You're looking charming by the way, the Magister will be pleased." Valric chuckled as he saw a small hue of pink color the Prince's face.

"I did not dress like this for him."

"Yes, I suppose you're right. Anyways, shall we then, the Magister isn't our only stop." Valric nod then walked ahead of the Prince, leading the way to the Magister's office. Since it was on the other side of the building, Valric drummed up some conversation for the both of them.

"So, why were you guys so desperate to know if I had my mother's powers? And how were you so sure that I would inherit them? Hawke was the only mage in Yalevindale, and he seem to have known my mother, so she could have passed it to him, couldn't she?"

"Hawke? Oh, the mage from Yalevindale. Yes, she could have, but being a Red Mage, no ordinary person could handle such immense power, only her offspring. Besides, aside from your friend Hawke, there were more mages, your mother trained them, but of course, your mother wanted us to stay away from Yalevindale when she was alive and since her death, no one has been able to find those mages. I can only imagine the lies she told them about us." Valric sighed as he began to realize that everyone must have thought or are lead to believe that they are the bad guys. "All we've ever wanted was to help people and make this world a better place for our children and our children's children, but how can we when people fear and hate us because of the lies they have been fed."

The Prince looked at Valric, he was starting to understand what have been going through and this reminded him of his youth, all he wanted was to bring his kingdom to peace, but his comrades did not see it so, which lead to them parting ways. And now, the Archer and Dwarf were probably living their own lives while Hawke was here in Themos, helping these people.

"You didn't answer my first two questions." The Prince closed the small gap that was between them and began to walk side by side with Valric.

"Oh, well I suppose you'll want to save that question for the Magister. He's the best person qualified to answer all your questions and more. I'm sure after you have a talk with him, you'll see what I've been telling you and hopefully, you'll agree to help us achieve our goal. Look, we are here." Valric smiled as they came to a stop in front of a large double door.

The Prince listened to Valric, before he lifted his head to see the doors as Valric told him that they have arrived. There was not turning back now, once he entered into the room, his prospective on life would change, if only he could have seen Hawke before he went in to see the Magister. The Prince took a deep breathe before moved getting ready to enter, but just as he was about to move forward, the doors swung open and out walked a tall male, hair has black as night, clothed in imperial attire and his eyes as golden as the sun. The Prince froze as he looked at the male who paid little attention to him. 'No, it can't be.' the Prince thought as the male didn't even look at him, heading his head straight, he walked out of the doorway and passed the Prince, who felt his heart stop when the dark aura of the male passed him. The Prince made his hands to a fist and turn to the male that had now passed him and was on his way.


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