New Home (Part 12)

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Shrouded in a long cloak and hood, the Mage walked out of his small, one room home to see his horse and the Archer on his own waiting for him. The son had still had time to come up so they knew they were early but having already said their goodbyes to the Dwarf, there was noticing holding them back from persuading there journey. The Mage mounted his horse and pulled on the reins a bit as the horse tracked back a bit before getting use to the it's Master's weight.

"Are you ready then?" He said with a chuckle in his voice, already knowing the answer the Archer would give. They would arrive at their new home by noon if the weather didn't have any plans for the morning, so he nod his head in the direction they were going then hit the horse with the heel of his boot and pulling on the reins as the horse galloped away, with the Archer in tow.

As they were leaving their home behind, the Mage slowed a bit which made the Archer ride pass him, but he had only slowed to look back at the place where he had spend his entire youth. Of course he was silent like the Archer back then, but he always had someone to translate the world to him and now he was leaving him behind. He looked up at the castle, the home of that person he held so dear. However, he didn't have the luxury to think like that anymore more. The Circle would tolerate it. Besides, he had his own reasons for joining the Circle of Magi and it wasn't to be in league with them. So, he turned his head forward, seeing the back of the Archer in the distance moving away from him.

"Wait for me, I swear you enjoy it when I chase you." -He chuckled as he called to the Archer before him. He was now gaining on the Archer, but then was stunned when the Archer looked back at him, and again he saw that look in his eyes. The same as what he saw at the tavern the night before. Completely taken by it, he was then broken from the trance when the Archer smiled slight.

"It's you the who enjoy chasing me, Mage" He then galloped off and the two raced each other for two hours on the empty planes. Nearing Themos, they had slowed down and began to observe the city from a far.

"So this is Themos." The Mage said as the path they were on slowly started to get busy, with people, carts and carriages going in and out of the city. The Mage made his horse to ride side by side with the Archer as he began to give instructions.

"I'll have to go ahead of you now, I can tell that mages will be observing me. You go and find a place to stay and I'll come find you when I get the chance to slip away. Here." He handed a small amethyst stone to the Archer. "When it starts to glows, you'll know I'm near. I'll be heading to the Magister Temple. See you later." The Mage then rode off with a slight speed leaving the Archer behind.

After entering the city the Archer was amazed by the number of stalls, shops and even people that were there. Though he was born and raised in a kingdom out in the country, it wasn't nearly as big and Themos, which is why all the country folk spoke so highly of Themos as if it were on another planet. Feeling like everyone's eyes were on him, he stpped the horse and slowly dismount it. Holding the reins in his hand, he then made his way through the city in search of an inn of some sort. Most he visited was full, but he later came upon a small house, much bigger than the ones back home, with a sign in the window that said. [FOR RENT]. So, he tied his horse on a small, and weak tree that was nearby and walked over to the house, peeping through the window to see if anyone was inside.

"Can I help you?" A voice came from behind him and as he turned he saw that it was a woman accompanied by a young girl.

"Is this house still for rent" .....


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