Now What? (Part 21)

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The Prince sat in the Magister's room with Valric, they spoke, but the Prince heard none of it only thinking of his encounter with Hawke only moments ago. How could Hawke behave in such a way with him? Was he under pressure from work? Did he really just forget him? 'Hawke, what's going on with you?'

"Your Highness, are you with us? It seems your mind is elsewhere, did something happened? The Magister asked as he watch the Prince's face. It was evident that the Prince hadn't eve heard what he had just said.

"My apologizes Magister, on our way in, the Prince met with Sir Denarion. Their encounter wasn't a 'happy to see you moment' so I think that's the reason why the Prince is somewhat absence in mind." Valric said before resting a hand on the Prince's shoulder, which cause the Prince to jolt in surprise at the hand on his shoulder before he smiled and nod.

"Excuse me, it seems that I'm only here in body. I apologize if I missed anything important."

"Ah, that's alright my Prince, I can understand. Allow me to apologize for Denarion's attitude to you earlier, we are very busy now. Making our plans a reality and joining all the lands of the world together. As my apprentice, Denarion has a lot of expectations resting on his shoulder."

"Apprentice? Hawke is you're apprentice?" He asked with eyes wide open. Last he remembered from Hawke was that the people of Themos weren't to be protected, so why was he now an apprentice for the man he claimed was up to no good.

"Yes, apprentice. He's an excellent mage, strongest one if I say so myself. His command over everyone is far from being challenged, I couldn't have asked for a better apprentice."

"Yes, Sir Denarion will make an excellent Magister one day along with the ideals we've put into place, the world itself will be governed magnificently."

"So is that it, you all want to rule the world with my powers?" The Prince asked as he looked between Valric and the Magister, whom spoke of a future controlled by one single being.

"No, you're seeing it wrong. We're not seeking world damnation, we want world peace. No more crimes, no more unfair treatment for our people, no more suffering. Bring the mages and none magic uses together with. I know that's what you want too, you could have been born in such a world if your Mother had agreed to help us carry out this ideal, to make the world a better place, but your Mother didn't think that the world be changed. She believed that all the suffering the people endure was to remain them that they'll never be able to get the bliss that desired. She believed that what was to be will be, which was why she also stopped us from treating your Father. I'm sorry to be telling you all this about your Mother but the truth mustn't be hidden."

The Prince sat there and as he listened, it was the more he hated his mother. No one ever spoke of her and now he was seeing why. How could his Mother be so self and not even try to improve the lives of those around her with her abilities. He was tired of hearing this now, he was determined to help the Magister complete his goals, no matter what.

After the meeting, Valric escorted him to a waiting carriages that was out the Magister's compound.

"Where are we going?" He asked as he climbed into the carriages and sat comfortably. Valric followed in then knocked on the carriage roof to indicate to the driver that they were ready.

"Well, it was the Magister's request that we visit some of the shops here in Hightown to give you a better understanding of how he wants the rest of the world to operate. It might seem a bit strange but as time goes on you'll understand."

"I've already made up my mind to help you and the Magister with your plans, so there is no need to convince me further."

"You are mistaken, we aren't trying to convince you of anything your Highness. The thing is, we don't want you to think its our plan, we want you to have pride in it and accept that it is our plan, the Magister's and yours, after all we all want the same thing."

The Prince nod as he listened to Valric's words. If he was ever going to surpass his mother, first he'll need to accept that all the decisions he making are of his own choice, so he has to accept the plan as his own as well. The spent the remainder of the day, visiting historical sights and visiting schools for the various age group of children. The Prince was speechless, this was exactly what he had dreamt for Yalevindale and now it can be possible with his Mother's power that dwelled within him.

They ended the day at an established food shop that he has been hearing about since he has lived in Yalevindale. He was glade they made the trip, he wouldn't have believed many of the things he saw if he he'd visit himself. He bid Valric and goodnight and close his room door before walking over to his bed and curling up. 'This is my home now and like here I will make Yalevindale a great place, just like here, I will implement the plan. Hawke, waiting for me, I will catch to you.'


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