The Past (Part 4)

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After all the commotion and action had ended, The Mage and Danarious were on the top floor together. Danarious laughed as he realized that he had lost this battle again. Holding his arms out to the Mage, he smirked as he offered his surrender. He knew that it was only a matter of time before he'd be release again so that he could play with the young teens like this again. With the Mage's keen hearing he listened to his comrades who were all on other levels of the building, the Dwarf was complaining about ruining her clothes yet again, and the Archer helped the Prince to his feet as he heard the Prince silently cursing that he had hurt himself again. The Mage turned his attention back to the smirking enemy and began to snarl at him.

"What's with that look on your face Mage? You know how this works, don't you. We've been throw this a million times. Here, you can beat me around a few times to get me a little bloody then bond my hands." Danarious leaned forward, offering his face to the Mage.

The Mage looked at him then replayed what he just heard the Prince say. What was the point, every time they captured the man, he was always released in two months time and then they'd be back to chasing him around the kingdom. The Mage had had enough, the Prince was being hurt more so than the others and he couldn't stand by and take it anymore.

"You'll never do this again." The Mage mumbled as he stepped forward and grabbed the criminal's neck and lifting him into the air. The man struggled against him, grabbing the hand that gripped his neck and kicked his feet around. "You'll never get the chance to hurt the Prince or anyone else ever again." He watched as he saw the man's face going blue as satisfaction started to set into him as he saw the life slowly leaving the criminal's body.

The Dwarf was the first to arrive as she froze at the sight before her. She then called out the Mage's name and rush over to him, unsure of whether she should let him be or stop him.

"What are you doing? We are suppose to bring him to the guards, remember?"

"What's the point? You always have to create some lie to you parents about your actions and where you always run off to, the Archer's family is poor and every time he uses his arrows, he has to go into his parent's saving to get more arrows, and the Prince. He always bleeds for the sake of catching these criminals and we should just send him off to jail just so we can repeat the process again and again."

The Dwarf looked at him, this was the much she had ever heard the Mage spoke, but a apart of her agreed with what he was saying. It would be only a matter of time before one of then got seriously hurt from their activities and they'd be in a lot of trouble if that person were to be the Prince. So, she nod her head then stepped back a bit, giving the Mage the go ahead.

The Mage lowered the criminal to the floor and released his neck. They bot watched the man grab the nearby wall and began to wheeze as air began to rush into his lungs. The Mage's hand that began to glow a blue bright light as he glared at the man.

"I hope you're last breath was satisfying, because you'll never have another." The criminal saw the hate in his eyes and began to beg immediately for his life, but his pleads now lost to the darken Mage, as he rose his hand and drove it into the criminals chest. His hand came out through the criminal's back with his heart and the Mage crushed it then chanted something that caused the criminal to burst into flames. Pulling out his hand, he had a big grin on his face, his hand soaked in blood and the man burned before him. He then turned his head to see the Prince and the Archer standing there.

"How could you do something like this? We aren't guards or executioners, why did you kill him?" The Prince was furious as he watched the Mage step away from the crumbling man that was in front of the Mage. The Archer had moved from behind the Prince to go stand by the Dwarf we was still shaking after seeing how the Mage killed the man.

"Why not kill him? Was he benefiting anyone when he remains alive? Everyone who serve under the King has taken an oath to protect the royal family. You are apart of that family and time and time again, in our company you always get hurt. The Archer get poorer, the Dwarf get's more scolding" The Mage could hear the slight bickering from the Dwarf when he had called her that. "And you have to hide yet another scar from your family. Aren't you tired? Despite what you may think your Majesty, the only thing you contribute to this group is your leadership skills, because in the end we all have to be protecting you."

The Prince went wide eyes, looking up at the Mage who was now standing before him. The nerve of him to speak to the Prince in that manner, and to say so much. The other two watched in awe as none of them would ever speak like that to the Prince, but they also knew that what the Mage say was true. The Prince suddenly swung his left hand, slapping the Mage across his face.

"I don't care if I'm too weak to protect myself. If we kill then we are just like those who we chase. And no matter how you look at it, they are all still human lives and we don't have the right to take that away, none."

"But maybe he's right your Majesty." The Archer said slowly looking over to the Prince. "I can't keep up like this anymore, because we aren't playing anymore, this is serious now and we should be thinking about our well being."

The Prince looked at the Archer then back to the Mage "Then I want nothing to do with it." He then turn and walked away, saddened by his decision by it had t be done.

The Mage watched him leave, still feeling the burning in his cheek from where the Prince had slapped him. He then mumbled to himself. "I'll make you understand."


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