The Truth (Part 11)

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The Prince got dressed then marched to the King's chamber, who was needle deep in another dose of his personal happy time. So the Prince knew that he had little time to question his Father before he became completely useless. The King looked up from where he sat, trying and failing miserably to hide the needle and drugs he had just taken. But the Prince wasn't interested in his habits right now.

"Tell me about Mother."

The king had a confused look on his face as he got up from where he stood and staggered over to his chair by the fireplace. How could he speak about the boy's mother now when in a few minutes, he wouldn't even remember what her name was.

"Why are you asking suddenly?"

The Prince ignored his question and walked over to him, sitting at his father's feet and taking his hand.

"Father, please. Tell me about Mother."

The king looked at the child then sighed. He might as well talk since after he sobered up this conversation would have been wiped from his memory.

"She was a strong and powerful woman, smart too. Oh and beautiful. never have I seen a woman who was just like her. She's died too young though, she should have listened to them and taken the job. I know they would have treated her."

"What are you talking about Father? Whose them? What job? And treat what?" -The prince knew his questions were too much but he couldn't help but to ask, as he felt every fiber of his being begging to know more.

"The Circle. They offered her a job in Themos, told her that they had treatment she could get and cure herself so that she could watch you grow up. But your mother was stubborn and foolish. She told them no repeatedly and when you were born, she named you then died. For s long I blamed you for kissing her, but it wasn't your fault. You did nothing wrong and she got an easy way out. Well it doesn't matter, the Circle has still been so kind to us and are open to us whenever. Maybe they are hoping that you're like her..."

"Like her? What do you mean father?" She grabbed his hand tighter and shook it but it was no use, the drugs and kicked in and his father was now gone.

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