It Begins (Part 27)

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"There you are, I've been looking all over for you Sir Denarion, the Knight Commander is requesting a moment of your time." Varenia came in time to see the two kissing out on the balcony. Hawke then pulled from the Prince and look towards Varenia, he nod at her then looked back at the Prince who was looking up at him, with needy eyes.

"Do enjoy the rest of your evening, if you'll excuse me." Hawke was automatically back to his silent cold self as he walked away from the Prince to join Varenia as they both walked away. Varenia looked back at the Prince who was smirking as he watched them leave. She then turns her head forward to look at Hawke before uttering softly.

"You know, back when you told me of your confusing feelings, after meeting the Archer I thought he was the one you were referring to, I guess I was wrong. That aside the Prince looks.... nice." She hesitated to find a comforting word to describe the Prince who didn't really make her feel comfortable. As she walked behind him, thinking about what she had walked out on them doing, her face bumped into Hawke's back. She immediately looked up to see the Mage looking over his shoulder down at her.

"Where is Ah - the Archer?"

"Oh, he returned home. He said that he was going to begin the elimination process. He seemed different, but I could tell he was head strong and won't stray from the plan. Speaking of, we need to move fast; while I was mingling with the crowd, I overheard one of the aristocrats saying that they plan on using the Red Mage tomorrow night, but they aren't sure that his power will be enough. Apparently, the Red Mage hasn't unlocked much of his power or doesn't know how to and because of that he has begun doing blood magic. And you know once anyone starts using blood magic, there is no turning back."

Hawke turned to look at Varenia as he started to think back to the changes he saw in the Prince. Perhaps it had something to do with the blood magic, but for some reason, he didn't buy it. The Prince was always a self-centered brat, but no one saw it as much as he did. If he was indeed playing into his new role, then it wasn't the fault of the blood magic. About to give her his input, he saw Valric coming over to them.

"Sir Denarion, I haven't seen you much tonight, you look rather dashing if I may say so myself, and Ms. Cobber, don't you just look ravishing."

"There is no need to flatter me Valric, I know I'm beautiful, it's a regular thing." Varenia managed to smile as she took a glass of wine from one of the serve boys before turning back to the two.

"Valric, why aren't you with the Magister? I figured a high ranking aristocrat like you would always have his place next to our leader." Hawke commented coldly as his eyes scanned the room for all his intended targets.

"You're so hush Sir Denarion, what of you? Since this evening started you barely spent any time with the one your apprentice to."

"I'm not his tail; I believe that's something you enjoy more than me." Hawke glared at Valric, sending shivers down his spine. Seeing the man smile nervously, he turned to Varenia. "I'm going to meet the commander, enjoy the rest of your evening. Valric, if you'll excuse me." Hawke then walked away as he made his way over the Knight Commander who was too popular with the guests of the party.

Varenia looked at Valric as he watched Hawke walk away before she smirked then muttered. "Keep dreaming tail, because that's all you're going to get." After say that, she quickly walked away knowing that she had just so boldly disrespected her superior.


Back at the Denarion household, Farina was busy sharpening her axe while the Archer was on the roof, taking aim to their first target. Commander Jackel of Minatos, he had set plans in motion to have the current leader of Minatos assassinated so that he could assume control of the government and use the people to his advantage. If he leaves Themos alive, the assassination would take place and the Magister would have the one of the biggest city under his control. Drawing back on his bow, his eagle eye vision caught the Commander's movement on the other side of town where he was getting ready to leave for Minatos. Releasing a steady breathe, he let go of the arrow, his keen hearing could hear the arrow piercing through the air as it made its way over to the Commander who was standing at his window looking out at the view. He smiled to himself thinking that everything was going to work out when the window in front him shatter and suddenly something pierced his forehead. Before he knew what hit him, he fell to the ground, dead.

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