Confrontation ( Part 2 )

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The shadowed male, waved his hands about in a slightly frantic way as he noticed the closeness of the Prince. Even in the dark the elven Prince's beauty still radiated a natural white glow, and his now pissed, terrified and angry express still looked beautiful to him. The slightly pale blue eyes of the Prince staring so fiercely into his on golden honey orbs. The shadowed male was deeply fascinated with his former Prince friend but he had ruin that relationship, when he decided to play god and took the lives of many enemy to the kingdom they lived in. His actions didn't sit well with the Prince, and so he was shooed by the royal friend, but praised by King who believed in killing others before they had the chance to do the same to you. Thus now that he looked at the upset Prince, he could still see the hatred of his action 20 years ago.

"Relax won't you, he's taking a nap see." He had conveniently had a remote in his hand with he used to turn on the nearby monitor which showed the sleeping imagine of Blane in the servant quarters. The shadowed male gave a faint smile as he saw the disbelief in the Prince's eyes slowly dissipate. He smirked when he felt the collar of his shirt loosen in the Prince's grip.

He watched as the Prince walked away from him, heading over to the other side of the room, and shuffling around there. He took the Prince's turned back as a chance to move in for the kill.

"Just get out of here. I don't want to be associated with you." He heard the Prince say, and at that time, he felt a slight ping in his chest. Frozen for a moment, and for that brief moment something changed and due to his proximate towards the Prince, he was able to grab the back of the Prince's collar and pull him away from his dresser and throw him onto the bed.

The surprised look in the Prince's eyes confirmed that the Prince really expected him to just leave. Filled with rage, he moved to climb up onto the bed, placed his legs on either side of the Prince's waist and sat there to keep his lower half from moving. He them saw the incoming hand of the Prince which he could read as a punch to the face, and with a swift movement, he grabbed tat same hand then the other and pinned them down on either side of the Prince's head.

"What will you do now? I'm going to take advantage of you." He stopped to let his words sink into the Prince's mind, who looked at him terrified. "If you had just hear me out those year ago, then you would have understood why I did it. I mean what is the sense of having these powers if I can't use it to get rid of our enemies."

The Prince, straggled against the stronger male, trying to pull his arms away. "No, you don't get the chance to play God with the lives of the living. There is a trial then there sentencing which the people decide. Even if we have to lock up the condemned for the rest of their natural life, we don't murder and then not feel regret for it. You failed to see that and thus turning you're back on what we preached to the people, justice."

The shadowed male flinch as the words of the Prince stabbed him from all directions. Angry, he put the Prince's hand together over his hand used his now free hand to pull the bonds of shirt collar and tied it around the Prince's hand.

"I'll make you understand"


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