Confusing Feelings (Part 18)

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 That following morning, before the sun has risen, the Archer left for Groodiville, leaving no note or message for his roommate. The trip to Groodiville was to be a day's journey, so he didn't have time to sit down and write the Mage a farewell note and to honest, he did want to either. Packing his essentials, such as his bow, arrows and a bottle of water, he closed the door and mounted his awaiting horse. Gulping off at full speed, the Archer didn't spare a glance back at the house, as the only think on his mind now was to get to Groodiville before nightfall.

The Mage woke later that more, which was he usual time to rise. Immediately his eyes wondered to the doorway, but it was empty. The Archer wasn't there like usual to see him as he woke. Thinking that the Archer might be getting ready for his departure, he sat up in bed then swung his feet around to the side and got up. He moved about the room as he would on any given morning, as he got ready for his duties in the Circle. Always having breakfast last, he came down the polished wooden stairs and was surprised that there was no sweet scent of their morning breakfast aroma in the air. As he walked into the kitchen, he realized that it was empty. No breakfast, no leftovers, no Archer; he looked about awhile to see if the Archer had left a note, but then gave up as he came to lean on the fireplace, looking about the large empty house. The Archer had left and wouldn't be returning for another two days, yet he couldn't even leave a note behind.

"Now what am I to eat for dinner." The Mage chuckled as he listened to his comment. If he didn't know better, he might say that he only care about the Archer's cooking than the Archer himself. He then froze in thought as the memory of the night before flashed before his eyes; the look on the Archer's face when he heard the Archer ask him if he was going to go see the Prince. Why couldn't he have just answered him? The Prince had nothing to do with their plans, so there was no reason to meet him, but the moment he saw the Prince came out of the carriage, he felt himself go numb and feelings that he thought had died over the years came flooding him. "Tsk." He hung his head and grit his teeth as he tighten his hands into fists. What was the use of thinking about it now, its not as though him had feelings for the Archer. Again, he froze as he began to think about their time together.

"Fasta vas" The Mage muttered as he grabbed his cape in annoyance then stormed out of the house. Mounting his horse that began to make his way to The Order. It wasn't far and since it was still early morning, there was little traffic so he managed to arrive on time. As he dismount his horse, he saw some knights unloading what appears to be young mage children.

"They were hiding in an old ruin in Riverwood. Apparently, they thought that they could escape the knights of Themos." Spoke Anders, the Mage's commander. He was just walking up to have a better look at the children when he ran into the Mage.

"But their children Anders. Why should we be bothered with them?" The Mage asked as he hand the reins of his horse to one of the stablemen who came up to him.

"Have you forgotten our goal? We need mages, whether young, old, weak or strong. Nothing is achieved unless there is sacrifice, though I hear that we might not be using these pathetic mages much longer" Anders chuckled as he fold his arms and watched as the knights mistreat the children. Pushing and shoving them into a line then marching them into the gates of the Circle of Magi.

"Why do you say that? Is the Magister closer to bringing on his world peace?"

"Oh, so you don't know. The Prince of Yalevindale called for an audience with the Knight Commander a few years ago to display some rather wonderful gifts. The boy has the blood of the Red Mage running through his veins and has come to Themos to assist the Magister in his task. Come to think of it, weren't you from Yalevindale as well?" Anders tilt his head to the send as he tried to recall the Mage's home town.

The Mage had zoned him out as he thought on his commander's words. 'He had ask for an audience? What was he thinking? Had he not heard what I had said to him, or is this revenge for what I did to him?' Perhaps it would have been best to have let the Archer took the shot the night before, since it was clear now that the Prince was in Themos at his own accord. 'No, I have to speak with him first, only then I can make a decision and perhaps stay my hand from killing him.'

As they both made it inside the temple, the head of the Circle came to great them, which wasn't normal for them. The Mage and his commander both bowed to the druid elf in respect before meeting his eyes. He looked peaceful though that wasn't the case, the man had performed numerous experience mages they had taken into custody. It annoyed the Mage that he couldn't stop the man, sure he could have killed him, but then someone else who was just like him would just take over. Themos was corrupted, so he had needed to go in and clean out all those who would continue the injustice.

"Hawke, I found you. It's about time too." Sebastian, the Head Mage of the Circle, had a snorky grin as he walked up to the two. He was a proud man and saw no one above or as his equal. He like all the other mages in high position were just some social climbers who'd sell their own child if they thought it would please the Magister.

"My apologize Lord Archon, I had just arrived" The Mage replied as he looked down at the slightly shorter male.

"Come on, I've told you so many times that it's just Sebastian. You need not bother yourself with duties of the Circle anymore. As it is, I don't even see the point in appointing you a commander. You've grown into a magnificent Mage and so powerful too. It's good that we recruited you when we did." Sebastian chuckled as did Anders.

"Yes, I believe that is true, for if you had not recruited me, the knights would have stormed Yalevindale and taken me away instead, turning me into a prisoner of the Circle." The Mage said but had a serious grin that curled his lips. Anders and Sebastian both stop smiling and looked at Hawke, feeling guilty. What else could they say to remove the awkwardness that the Mage had just created.

"Anyways, Hawke I came to retrieve you. The Magister has requested your presence, if we leave now, we might able to get there at tea time." Sebastian turned and walked off, quickly removing himself from the odd atmosphere. The Mage always seemed to do things that made the others uneasy but they never thought of the reason why the Mage would do such things.

The Mage followed Sebastian to a back passage behind the temple that connected the Order to the Magistrate Hall. The entire time Sebastian said nothing to the Mage, fearing that he'd say something again that might make the Circle and Magister look as though their actions were wrong, which in his eyes, weren't. After that arrived in the hall, the Mage was immediately called to meet with the Magister and at this time, he knew what it was about. The Prince.


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