Red Mage (Part 25)

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Early the following morning, the Prince was putting his outfit together for the event later that evening. He didn't want to over dress, attending the Gala as a snotty prince, but as a mature young adult whose worthy of holding conversation with those who'll be there. After a mountain of unsatisfactory outfits and a heap of too flashy shoes, he managed to settle on a formal turquoise tunic and match leggings with a light white cape and brown knee high boots. He wasn't use to picking out his own clothes but he wasn't home now and he needed to prove to himself that even he too could be independent like his childhood friends. 'So Hawke, we'll finally be able to meet and talk properly. Hopefully, your roommate is exactly that a roommate.' He muttered to himself as he then walked over to the window and look down at the organized Hightown, soon Yalevindale will behave just like this city and other kingdoms, villages and towns too. The Prince held up his hand to his face and managed to conjure up blue flames, but for the life of him, he could understand why it somehow felt weak as if he has the powers that the Magister expects of him.

Closing his hand into a tight fist, which cause the flames to go out; he moved away from the window and grabbed his white silk robe and threw it over his shoulders as he left his room. He later arrived in the library and began to browse the shelves of anything on the Red Mage. He found four books that judging by its cover, seems to be the ones he was looking for and retreated with them to his room. After reading all the contents of the books, he realized that those who were labeled as red mages were in fact users of blood magic, which was were the name "Red Mage" came from. He also read that though it was forbidden by most villages, town and so on, there were those who would practice this kind of magic under the pretext of a Chantry.

It is said that 70 years there was one such village that subjected it's people using magic. Because at that time villages use to call each other to war whenever their leader's decided that they needed more land whether it be for the people or for the leaders themselves, those who weren't born with the gift of a mage or could develop magically powers later, were sent to the front lines of battles to by time for the mages who were trying their best to become strong.

"So, I'll need to learn blood magic also if I'm ever going to be as strong as Mother was. It's strange though, I'm suppose to have the same powers as she had if I inherited it, so why can't I conjure up nothing else? Am I too weak? No, I've been practicing ever since I discovered my powers. So what could it be then. C-could Mother had only pass on a small portion of her powers to me and too the rest to her grave?"


The Archer was busy in the kitchen making breakfast for the three of them, when Farina walked in and got herself a cup of water, well more like three cups of water and a loaf of bread. She then took a seat on a nearby stool and began to watch the Archer before she started to sigh to get his attention, or annoy him into acknowledging her.

"Where are eating that when you know that I'm making morning meal for you to eat?" The Archer said as he turned his back to her, tending the pots on the stove. It was finally ready, nothing fancy but the smells was alluring and its appearance desirable. Being an Archer, he was very good with his hands and so he always took pride in the meals he created.

"It's called 'Breakfast', besides I'm a growing girl, I need to eat whenever I can." She said with a big grin on her face as she finished the bread and drank down two cups of water. Hawke could smell breakfast all the way from his room and he smiled as he moved away from his open window and made his way downstairs to kitchen just in time to heard the Dwarf's words, which made him chuckle. He leaned in the door frame of the kitchen entrance and smirked folding his arms as he uttered.

"Well, you've been 'growing' for awhile now. It's hard to tell whether or not that's due to you eating, then again if we take your eating into consideration, shouldn't you be taller than the kitchen counter by now." Hawke snickered as he heard the Archer chuckle a bit to his words, which made him feel unnaturally pleased. Wondering how the Archer's face looked, he began to silently beg the Archer to turn around so that he could see the smile that he knew he had on his face. However when the Archer turned around it was already too late, his face was as expressionless as always as he placed they food on the table where Farina sat.

"Oh shut up you, don't you dare make short jokes about me or else I'll turn you into a dwarf too." He snarled at Hawke before turning her attention to the meal before her and immediately, she began to eat. After awhile she looked across the table where the Archer sat and smiled at him as an indication that she was enjoying the food. Hawke sat at the head of the table, silently complimenting the Archer on a tasty meal. Normally he'd say it out loud, but with Farina there, he didn't want her to start assuming things.

"So Hawke, you and that Varenia woman work in the Circle. How did you two meet?" Farina asked after a large portion of her meal had already been consumed.

"Well well Farina, I never thought you were the jealous type. I'm flattered." Hawke chuckled as before taking another bite.

"Oh Hawke, I know I'm damn near irresistible, but your just to high-maintenance for me, sorry." Farina said with a cheeky grin as she finished her meal before continuing. "Seriously thought, I know we all spoke with her yesterday and she seems to be on our side, about are you sure we can trust her? What if she goes to tell the Magister about your plan? or If she cause something to go wrong? What then?" Her questions were valid and Hawke knew that, but he has been working with Varenia ever since he got to Themos. She confined in him more times then he did to her and all her secrets are ones that could get her executed. However, he didn't want to jeopardize them so...

"You trust me right?" The Mage said.

"Yes, but-" Farina answered but then was cut off when she saw the Archer get up and clear all the dirty dishes. Hawke too was surprised by the Archer's sudden movement which made him get up also immediately as the Archer's back was turned to them.

"Archer, you trust me, right?" Farina could hear the slight scare in Hawke's voice and realized that these two needed to be alone and as much as she wanted to stay and watch the long awaited drama unfold, she bit her lips and got up, leaving the room quietly.

"Tell me, do you trust me or not?" Hawke's voice got a tad bit louder as he walked around the table and began to make his way to the Archer, just as he was about to grab his by his shoulder and turn him around, the archer turned around himself and looked up at Hawke.

"You asked me the same question last night and I said I trust you fully, so why are you getting upset now?"

"Actions speaks louder then words and you certainly have a way with actions seeing as though you don't like using words often." He smiled seeing that he was getting worked up for nothing. "Say, there's something I've been meaning to ask you, which should have been done along time ago."

"What is it?" The Archer's palms began to sweat as he soft the soft look on Hawke's face. Terrified that the Mage might already know of his feeling for him, he took a slight step back, hoping that Hawke didn't notice.

"What is your n-" Farina came into the room with a disappoint look on her face. Both Hawke and the Archer turned to look at her and it was apparent that she was listening in on them. Sighing, Hawke stepped away from the Archer and fold his arms as he glared at Farina. "You know, you shouldn't eavesdrop of other's conversation."

"Don't care, I thought something exciting would happen. Whatever, it's almost high noon we need to start getting ready." She went over to the Archer and pulled him front before Hawke, pulling him up to his room as she planned to make him look desirable. Hawke chuckled as they left, heading out to the stables.


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