The Trio (Part 24)

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The Mage was bored out of his mind for most of the day. He ignored his attire for the Gala and focused on chopping wood for their fire place and stove. He spent most of his time moping and thinking about the Prince. Wondering where or not things would go smoothly at the Gala, now that he had these conflicting feelings. Sighing, he unknowingly just ripped a stub of log in two. He never expected to spend so much time in Themos but with each year his plans had changed and now that the Prince was involved, he might have to put it off for yet another year.

"Vanhedis, this is not how I imagined it to be. And all these conflicting emotions are starting to impact my judgment." He sighed again as he face palm then ran said hand through his long bangs. "This will stop, I will complete my task and leave this city before I'm labeled. But can I really leave Themos like this after I've gotten rid of the world threat?" He paused as he was loading the chopped woods onto his shoulders. There was much to think about and with the Magister's plan progressing more rapidly than he could counter, he wasn't seeing a way out. If he stayed in the middle of this for too long, then he'll be figured out and put his and the Archer's life in danger.

"I didn't know that you did manual labour too. The apprentice of the Magister should have servants for these kinds of sweaty work." Giggling behind him was Varenia. Somehow she had managed to find out where he lived, stalker much. Sighing, he dropped the woods on the ground and turned his body fully to her as he took off his woolen gloves. By her attire, he could tell that she too had gotten the day off, which could mean that those above them didn't want them to know about something shading that was going on or they sincerely wanted them to take some time off, but he seriously doubt that.

"So you didn't stop until you found me, you must really be desperate." He said as a smirk formed of his pale thin lips, he then fold his arms to emphasize that he wasn't pleased with her just showing up at his place of solitude.

"Relax Sir Denarion, there were some things that I wanted to discuss and seeing that I don't really trust anyone, I thought that I'd talk to you about it."

"Ok, so out of all the other Circle members, you trust the Magister's apprentice more? Whose to say that I won't share with him what you want to share with me." The Mage chuckled as he started to take up those woods that he had dropped on the ground and began to walk towards the back porch of his house when he heard Varenia say something that made his stood still in his tracks.

"It has to do with the Magister's plans to take over the world and eradicate all those who oppose him. I know you are planning on stopping him which is why I want in."

The Mage didn't think that he'd be found out and if by this woman then those to say that someone in the Magister's circle most also know as well, but seeing as though she didn't tell anyone but decided to come to him instead, made him wonder why she wanted to do this. Again dropping the woods, he went inside and told her to follow him. After hearing her out for over three hours and slightly explaining what had to do also; It took the rest of the evening but Varenia was now on board and wanted to aid in anyway to help speed things along.

"So, it's just you and myself who'll be stopping him them," She sighed "I wish we had move people involved, because there is no way we are going to do this and get away with it." She looked up at the Mage as he was handing her a cup of water. Just as he was about to answer, he heard the sound of two horses riding into the compound heading towards to the stable. Unconsciously, he smirked as he looked to the door waiting for their company to join them.

"Are you expecting someone?" She said as he sat up on the edge of her chair.

"Well, I don't live alone of course."

Just then the front door open and in walked the Archer and the irresistible Dwarf - as she likes to describe herself. The Dwarf could be heard commenting on how big the house was, making jokes about the Archer and the Mage's activities when they are home alone. The Archer said nothing as he had detected another steady heart beat and subtle breathing. The Archer then lead the Dwarf to the room where he was sensing the presence.

"Hawke, look at you, still dreamy as ever." The Dwarf laughed as he made her way over to the Mage and gave him a tight hug, laughing loudly as usual. It was like a reunion for trio minus the Prince.

"Can't say that I missed this side of you, Farina." Hawke chuckled a bit at the tight embarrassed before he glanced over to the entrance to see the Archer standing there looking at Varenia. Clearing his throat, he pulled away from Farina and looked down at Varenia. "Archer, Farina, this is Varenia she is my underling in the Order and she knows about our plan and has offered to join us."

"Oh, so you're the other woman. Do you always wait until Hawke is alone before you come over to try to woo him, hmm?" Farina leaned into Varenia as she stared at the busty woman who looked confused and uneasy, this made the Dwarf start to laugh at Varenia's expression. Hawke looked back over at the Archer who was no longer standing at the entrance, but had left the room a little while ago. Quickly excusing himself from the women, Hawke went to find the Archer who wasn't far but in the kitchen.

"How was your trip?" Hawke tried to make light conversation to see if the Archer was troubled by Varenia's presence in their home.

"Eventful." The Archer said calmly as he started to pull food from places that Hawke didn't know they had. "Let her know z'hat she should stay for dinner, it won't take long."

"Are you sure about that? I mean, you don't know her and I know you don't really like strangers around you."

"You say z'hat she is going to aid us now vight? If you trust her z'hen z'hat's fine for me, so go and tell her and stop vexing me. We have a lot to talk about" The Archer said turning his back to Hawke as he made himself look busy.

The Mage nod then turned and walked away. Just as he was about to leave the kitchen, he looked back to see the Archer's head hung and his palms pressed against the counter as if to support his body upright. Seeing this the Mage knew that there was more to the Archer's silence.

'Why won't you say what's on your mind?'


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