Confirmation (Part 13)

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Three years have passed since the Mage left the kingdom, and surprisingly only small petty crimes were being committed in the kingdom by children who were too young to remember the time when Trio (Mage, Dwarf, and Archer) would punish the law breakers. People still talked about the Trio though as if they were watching the villagers every more and that terrified them. Of course the Trio were keeping them safe, but their methods were too terrifying for anyone to accept. The castle guards roamed the street and because of the fear the villagers had of authority, the guards would normally abuse this power to get what they wanted, and sadly, no one complained.

The Prince sat quiet in one of his morning lessons when he heard a carriage rolled into the front courtyard. Getting up to investigate, the Prince went over the window, and looked down at carriage. A man neatly dressed with fair skin climbed off and was escorted inside by one of the servants. The Prince could hear his instructor begging him to sit down, but he needed to find out who that person was. He turned to the instructor and gave him a stern look, which told the instructor that the Prince would do as he so chooses. He then grabbed his coat and walked out of the room, leaving the instructor questioning his power as a lecturer.

As the Prince approached the double doors of his Father's office, the voices of the two men could be heard coming through the slightly opened door. He slowed his paced as he arrived before the door, then started to peep being the slightly opened door. The two men were his Father and the nicely dressed man that had just arrived came. The Prince could hear the man asking the King if the Prince had started to show any unique ability. The king answered with a disappointed sigh then said 'No' as if the Prince was only a hindrance to him. The man walked out of the Prince's line of sight for awhile but still spoke.

"I don't care what you need to do. As the only child for that woman, she had to have passed some amount of power to him and if that boy doesn't start to live up to the expectation we have of him being her child, then we will no longer support you and you're habits. As it is, you are of no use to us at this point and you're activities are starting to become rumored around the very place you rule." The man then walked back into the Prince's line of sight, thats when he saw the man handing a small box to the king, which the king took greedily as if he's been waiting a long time for this.

"See to it that you have better intel to give me on my next visit, or else this shall be your last box." The man glared at the king who then fell to his knees and kneeling before the man, kissing his shoe and begging him to reconsider, promising that he'll have his son displaying his abilities for the man's next visit.

The Prince almost threw up as he stepped back, away from the door that shielded the king and his true self from the people who'd claim that they lives belonged to him. He felt sick to his stomach. So this was the man who was his father's dealer and also had an invested interest in his powers. Could he have come from the Circle of Magi? If that was so, the Prince could not tell; the man wore no symbols on him which indicated where he was from.

Afraid he might be spotted, the Prince ran down the hall and took a couple turns along the way until he was out of breathe. He coming to a sudden stop as he feet gave way, causing him to fall on his face, he laid on the floor catching his breathe, he started to go over what he had heard the two talking about. 'Why would that man be interested in my powers if he's a member of the Chantry? Obviously, he must have been the one to get my Father hooked on that drug, but why? Was mother so powerful that people would do anything to have her powers?' The Prince then sat up and raised his palms to his face, staring at his hands.

Ever since that night three years ago, he has been practicing to use his powers, however the only thing he could do was to heal. Perhaps he needed more training and guidance, but how could he get that when no one else in the castle was a mage. The Prince sighed, he knew the perfect person to teach him, but sadly, he wasn't here anymore. 'Perhaps, if I'm about to show my powers to father then he could get those people off his back and bring back the King everyone once knew.' He said to himself as he got up, getting his feet under him and slowly making his way to his room. If his powers were the only thing to remind him of his Mother, then he was going to harness her abilities and show it to everyone.


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