The Truth (Part 10)

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The Mage waited out on that window ledge for hours before he heard the excitement in the Prince's room had died down. Sighing to himself, he started to look around for his next course f action. He could make the climb to the roof of the castle but then guards up there would have stopped him and the ledge wasn't wide enough for him to continue the journey around to the other side of the castle until he came upon a safe exit and going back into the Prince's room was just not an option he was willing to consider. So the only think he could do was to jump. Using his eagle vision, he spotted a large stack of hay and without thinking, jumped head first down the tall castle and into the hay without no one noticing. 'Never doing that again' He said to himself as he climbed out of the hay and brushed a few straws from his person. Ignoring his urge to look up to the Prince's window, he walked off disappearing into the dark of night and crowd of local peasants.

The Prince could not sleep, how could he. Earlier that day he had had a fight with his Father about the amount of coins he was investing into his 'Hobby'. The King got furious with him and had sent him to his room, so to be attacked like that, how could he sleep. The guards had come and he scold them for disturbing him; he then found some way to dispose of his blood garments and sheets, but blood soaked into the foam of the bed. Thus in the corner of his room, he sat staring at the bed as if watching everything happen again. He then looked down at his hand, remembering the white glow they gave off. "Rubbish, he was lying. He has to be, there is no way my mother was a mage." He began to scrub his hands with the tail of his nightgown as if to scrub of the Mage's magic. But then it hit him, he knew nothing about his mother. Scurrying over to a nearby photo of her on his table, he grabbed the photo and stared at it. "Who were you?"

The Mage arrived at a local tavern where the ale tasted like piss and women had diseases of all kinds, but they were the nicest people in that side of the kingdom. The Archer, and Dwarf were already waiting for him, as the Dwarf raised her hand to signal to the Mage where they were sitting. As he walked over to his comrades, the gruffy men with eight finger, bad skin tone, outgrown teeth, big noses and a mean aftershave, eyed the Mage. He was fully cloaked and had a hood on so his face wasn't visible. One of the men that saw the cloaked man coming put his feet in the way, looking to start something and without hesitation, the Mage stepped on his shin, breaking the bones beneath his feet the continued on his way. The man cried out in pain and agony as his terrified friends tried to help him out of the tavern while others looked away. The Mage then sat at the table with his comrade s and pulled the face mask down a bit. "Sorry I'm late. I had to take the long way here. The Archer only nod ignoring what the Mage just did while the Dwarf looked at him, about to scold.

"You Know, if you're going to go around and hurt people just because you can then you're going to start to develop a bad imagine of yourself." She said as he drank down the last bit of her ale, her third jug of the night.

"Let it go, he did nothing wrong" The Archer said in a dull and faint voice. No matter what he was always one to defend the Mage and probably would still even if he saw the Mage kill someone in cold blood. The Dwarf looked at him as if trying to see why the Archer was so loyal to the Mage. She then looked away from silent and reserved Archer and back to the Mage.

"So you leave at dusk, did you go and see the Prince?"

"Yes, though he's still bothered by the memories of the past" He said as he leaned back ignoring the woman who just came up to ask if he needed anything.

"Then what did you expect, out of me and the Archer, you were the only one he trust the most."

"He walked out on us remember. Anyways, what's done is done; I'd do it all over again."

The Dwarf cleared her throat then stretched, the Prince had walked out on them as well, she cared very little of him now. "My family is moving back to Groodiville, it's just off the Dead's Man Plains. When you guys get tired of your new life, come and look for me, I'll be the one holding an axe to your necks trespassers." She gave a hearty laugh wile the Archer and Mage remain quiet. This was the norm for them, the Archer wasn't one for was as much and the Mage only spoke if he believed something to be said, which is why the Dwarf could be her self with them. She then got up and gave them both a pat on the back, granted for the Archer it was a bit too harsh, since he jerked forward a bit. "So Archie, where is your future taking you?"

The Archer looked up from the meal he had no touched yet, or planned down since it looked like someone smashed a brain then poured stale milk on it. The Dwarf always ordered for him, knowing he wouldn't eat it. He looked at her, then shifted his eyes to the Mage.

"He's coming with me to Themos." The Mage's eyes connected with Archer and for a moment, The Mage saw something that stunned him for a moment before the Archer looked away.

"What? To Themos? Is he going to join the Circle too?" Geniunely surprised, she had expected the Archer to officially join the Castle's army and go out to the battlefield where he could used his abilities to the max.

"He's not a mage, Dwarf" He said in a sharp deep tone. "There is plenty he can do there, plus he has nothing here to keep him."

The Dwarf then smirked whispering under her breathe 'Then what do you expect, as it seems the only thing to keep him here is going to Themos to.'


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