Peace in our time (Part 17)

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The Prince smiled as his carriage rode into the lands of Themos, the land of riches and dreams. After displaying his powers to his father two years ago, his world has changed. The mysterious man that had visited the castle had returned a week later and asked to see the healing powers of the Prince. The man then told the Prince that he would have a bright future with the proper training from the master from the Circle of Magi. The man's words were filled with dreams, hopes and sincerity, so naturally as they arrived into Themos, the Prince saw his chance to gave powers and probably change the way his father ruled Yalevindale. Not to mention, the Mage was suppose to be here too, with any luck, he'd get to see him and perhaps explore with they had started over five years ago.

Arriving at the Magistrate Hall, he exited the carriage and looked up at the magnificent building that was decorated with marble white pillars. The lighting around the building was almost impossible if he were to be told by someone else of its beauty. Even the air in Themos were different, more fresh and light, but there was one thing that stood out for the Prince. There was no one on the streets and only the guards patrolled the empty streets.

"The only way to protect people from themselves, is to ensure that they aren't given the opportunity to misbehave. I'm sure your asking yourself why there aren't any citizens on the streets." A man walked out of the hall, descending the stairs to greet the Prince. "My apologizes for not introducing myself, I am Valric, Chief advisor to the Magister. He has been awaiting your arrival for quite some time now"

The Prince looked at the man and managed to smile some before looking around.

"So, by placing the city of Themos under curfew, you think you are reducing the chance of people hurt each other?" The Prince asked, raising his eyebrow, since he found it hard to believe that that's how they handled their crime rate.

"Yes, since the pass five years, our young magister apprentice has contributed to this success also. Being a star pupil at the Circle of Magi, it was only natural for the Magister to see interest in him and his abilities and I most say, he is yet to disappoint." Valric said with a sly smile n his face as he gestured for the Prince to follow him inside and not discuss these things in their current place.

Once they were inside, Valric been to proceed onwards, leading the Prince to his room.

"So, the government of Themos also allow mages into their ranks" He wanted to know more about this place and why they were interested in his mother's abilities.

"Why yes. Most people have it that mages should be separate from those who don't practice magic, but if we were to do so then we'd be telling our citizens that they are to dissociated themselves with mages. Our current Magister is wise and he strongly supports integration. The mages are willing parties in this union and both groups trust each other. I suppose that's the reason why Themos has been so productive."

"Then what is my role in this? Why is the Circle interested in my mother's ability?" He glanced about the long hall, looking at the different photos that graced the walls.

"Your Mother possess the ability to bring all the cities of this mainland to understand the meaning of integration. The Circle first approach her in hopes that she'd aid us in bring the mainland to one single belief so that fight would never again become an options, but she wasn't willing to listen and we weren't going to force her." Valric suddenly stopped and turned to the Prince with a polite smile on his face as he pointed to a door they were now in front off. "Well here we are." Valric opened the door for the Prince then waited for him to enter before he did.

The Prince looked around his room, which was much more extravagant that his room back home. He walked over to the bed and sat down, enjoying the fluff of the sheets beneath his romp. Hearing Valric say that his bags would be brought into him soon, he nod as he felt asleep about to wash over him. Just as Valric was about to leave, he smiled.

"People have it to say that the Circle isn't to be trusted, but nothing could be further from the true. All we seek is peace in our time." Valric then nod before walking out, making sure to close the door behind him.

The Prince watched as the man left before he got up from the bed ten walked over to his room window, looking out at the city of Themos and at how much more different it was from Yalevindale. But now he felt confused, the Mage had warned him and told him never to let the Circle know of his powers, but listening to Valric spoke of peace, wonder if the Mage was one of those people who was just misunderstanding there intentions. Knowing that his mother had the opportunity to bring about peace, not just in Yalevindale, but the entire mainland, and refused against it, made him wonder if his mother was who she claimed to be. A woman of righteousness and hope for the world wouldn't give up on it when a solution was given to her. The Prince, hissed his teeth and pressed his forehead against the glass, not wanting to think about it anymore.

"Where are you Hawke?"


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