"Let the Journey Begin" Ahriman

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"Archie! What's wrong? Hawke, what's wrong with Archie?!" Farina yelled as she swung her axe at a Templar guard then looked turned as she saw Ahriman being engulfed in a bright blood red light and levitating off the ground. He was screaming as if the light was burning his flesh, his screams were horrifying and made the lesser Templar guards ears bleed as they collapsed to the ground. The Magister and Valric too held their ears as the watched the male before them. The Magister walked closer to Ahriman looking up at him.

"Is it really you? The Red Mage." Said the Magister

"Magister please, come away from there. It's too dangerous." Valric yelled as the knelt due to the pressure of Ahriman's screams.

"No!" The Magister yelled back at Valric. "Don't you see, we had the wrong boy to begin with. Even if Shartan is the Red Mage's son, this kid has a greater connection to her. The question is, what is his relations to her." He grinned as he began to envision taking the Archer's powers instead. Just as he was moving closer, Hawke jumped out between him and Ahriman.

"I'll die before you lay a hand on him, Magister." Hawke went into defensive stance, holding his sword up vertically to his eyes.

"My my, it would seem that my apprentice has gotten really close to this miracle before me. So, tell me then, just who is your friend exactly, or do you even know?" Magister smirked, knowing that the thought of not knowing was always Hawke's weakness.

Hawke growled before launching himself at the magister who stepped back in time as his Knight Commander took his place, battling the angry Mage. Two more guards attacked Farina, leaving the Magister free to get closer to the Archer.

"AHRIMAN!" Hawke yelled as turned his head a bit to see the Magister getting closer to the Archer, knowing that he, nor Farina could stop the power-hungry Magister. Just then, the Knight Commander head butt Hawke and chuckled which caused Hawke to collapse to his knees before looking up at the Knight Commander.

"Don't leave yourself open for the foolish idea of rescuing your friend." The Knight Commander smirked and changed his stance to prepare for Hawke's retaliation.


"It sounds like it has begun. Maker's breathe, I hope it will be over soon, it feels weird to be trapped inside my mind like this." Ahriman said as he tried to pretend as if he didn't hear what the Prince had just said.

"Did you heard what I just said? We're related, you and are br- "

"Z'hat's s'impossible!" Ahriman shot his gaze before looking to the side, muttering. "Z'hat's s'impossible. My parents are in Yalevindale, my father is a carpenter and my mother's a house maid for a local merchant. I've lived in Yalevindale all my life, that's how I met you, Farina, even Hawke."

Shartan looked at him, moving closer as he began to reveal the truth to Ahriman.

"You're wrong and you know it. How would you explain your speech pattern then? No one in Yalevindale talks like that. No town or city closer to Yalevindale talks like that. What of your looks then, huh? No one in Yalevindale has ever seen your hair colour before, the way your eye changes whenever you're locking on to whatever your hunting."

"Those are all just coincidences." Ahriman raised his voice. Shartan's words seemed impossible for what he had already known about himself. Yes, he knew he was different, but it is almost always nature to have an unlucky odd child in a village, town or city. He's always thought that he was Yalevindale's odd child.

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