The Truth (Part 9)

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The Prince looked himself over, as he stepped back from the Mage. Amazed, yet terrified at what was going on, he glanced up at the Mage who was now leaning against the bed post. The Prince didn't know what to say, at the time, he was exhibiting mage powers, but his family were just elves so how could he have mages powers. He then began to wonder if the Mage had done something to him. Taking a few steps back, he stumbled into his dresser.

"You... you did this to me? How... could you...? Why would you?" The Prince went numb when he saw the Mage smirk. A cold shiver went down his spine and the hairs on his skin stood on ends. The Mage had never looked so dark and manipulative before. "'re a monster" The Prince managed to whisper as his hand blindly pat down the dresser, feeling for something to use as a weapon.

"Well, that's odd. I thought we had just established our love for each other, now you're shunning me. I'm hurt." The Mage fold his arms before sighing slightly. "There are things that you don't know about the late Queen, your Mother. In short you are the son of a mage woman."

The Prince took a sharp breathe as he slowly tried to wrap his mind around what was happening. Thinking back, he now realized that he knew nothing about his mother. His only memory of her was when he use to play in the courtyard, his mother would sit under a parasol and watched him play before beckoning him over for refreshment, her caring for him and the night she past away. Why didn't she tell me? He thought as he started to accept it.

"How did you know? About my Mother" The Prince asked.

"I've been around longer then you obviously. In any case don't display your powers too much. Everyone knew who the Queen was, which included the Circle of the Magi. They didn't succeed in getting the Queen to join, but you as her offspring and the King is very loyal to them, the Circle will demand you join them." The Mage said as he then bowed and made his way over to the door. He could here the Prince trying to stop him, but this time he did not listen. The Mage opened the door to see some guards heading straight for the Prince's room. He immediately, pulled in his head and closed the door which he was sure got their attention. "Venhedis." He cursed silently before turning to examine the Prince's room for an escape.

The Prince watched the Mage before going over to him, taking hold of the mage's hand, he pleaded with him to tell him about his mother and the mage power he had just shown. For a moment, they both just stood there, staring into each others eyes until there was a loud pounding on the door. The guards were calling the Prince and asking him if he was alright. The Mage pulled his hand away from the Prince and walked about the room before he noticed the window.

"No, you can't go through there, you'll fall. It's too steep." The Prince said as the pounding continued which caused adrenaline to flow. The Mage opened the latch and opened the window before he climbed up and went out onto the ledge. Shuffling to the side of the window so that the Prince could close it.

The Prince then looked down on himself, in all the excitement, he had forgotten that he was stained in blood. What was he to do now? Go back to bed - but the reason as to why he didn't here that guards calling would have been ask, he could open the door and told them that he was attacked or sick - but then they be searching for the one who did it and the Mage wouldn't get to escape, or he could go to the bed room take a bath. Deciding on that, he hurried over to the bed to cover the blood then he went to the bathroom and close the door.


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