Sales At The Supermarket > Saitama <

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Saitama is always a sucker for sales.

Based on Episode 1- One Punch Man.
I don't own One Punch Man or any characters like Saitama.

You didn't know who he was or what he did for a living. You just knew that he always came to your supermarket and he was always quite keen on buying groceries when the best sales occurred.

He intrigued you a lot but you always grew too shy to say anything other than the price of his groceries. It made you mad and everyday you tried to grow the courage to ask for his number or even a name but then suddenly his presence seemed to render you speechless.

The man had short black hair when you first saw him. He was pretty tall and had a good physique if you did say so yourself. Three years later he was now bald but that didn't stop you from becoming a blushing mess when he came to your register.

He used to come in a grey suit- his tie hanging loose around his neck like he had finished a boring day in the office. Nowadays he came in a yellow superhero suit or sometimes just casual clothing worn to go out.

The yellow suit made you think he was a superhero but the lack of remembrance to his face or, well, lack of a name made you think other wise. That day you actually felt bad having not noticed him.

It became a sort of unspoken routine between the two of you. You always saw his eyes light up immensely when something was discounted to a way lower price and so you wanted to give him a reason to keep coming into your checkout.

You slowly began scanning his items and then when you knew none of your co-workers were watching you would put some unscanned items in his bags- leaving them unpaid for and free.

The abnormally dropped price caught his attention but he merely shrugged and walked away with the receipt- checking it over to see some items not on the little piece of paper.

It gave him a tiny bit of excitement when he saw this and at first he actually thought you did it on accident. You heard him mutter, "Oi.." When he first noticed the reciept but you simply shushed him- replying a simple, "Your Welcome." And left him on his way.

It became a cycle- he comes in and went straight to you, he excitedly let you scan- and not- his groceries and the low prices made him actually throw a smile your way.
You would blush and smile back- feeling happy you got to do this for such a kind yet mysterious man.

You knew it was against the rules to do what you were doing and getting caught by your manager would definitely leave you jobless and without a source of income but you couldn't help it.

He was the highlight of your day and you wanted to know him better.

Weeks passed and he still came to your checkout when you were there and he waited to see what you would secretly pass without scanning and he would smirk in satisfaction, slight redness filling his cheeks. It was quite odd that he never questioned why you would do such a thing for such a simple looking guy that you didn't even know but if he didn't object then you would continue.

One day though, you were continuing on with your day at work like normal and you saw the man there with his basket filled his groceries on sale.
You were quietly standing in your checkout, again unable to take your eyes away from the bald man who squirmed his way into your heart and penetrated your mind. It annoyed you because it truly showed how much confidence you really lacked but all thoughts were cut short when screams were suddenly heard outside.

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