Stay with me > Illumi Zoldyck <

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yvetfs Hope you like..?:-)


You laid in the empty bed, feeling the cold breeze from the open window enter the room like an uninvited guest. Your half-opened eyes followed the endless movements of the long and transparent curtains as your arm met with the cold floor beneath you. Your bare back was now covered with goosebumps from the chill of the dark sky as you noticed the sun only just beginning to introduce a new day.

Your eyes went temporarily hazy when thinking of last night actions with the man who trapped you into his bed once again, now gone as if it had all been a dream. Sometimes you wished it was due to the repetition of events that seemed to be getting nowhere.

You moved the arm that wasn't hanging off of the bed and reached behind you to feel the luke-warm cotton bedsheets that indicated his early leave. Maybe too early.
Your eyebrows were scrunched together on your face and you had to shake your sleeping arm awake to wipe the tiredness from your eyes, going down to your mouth.

You were cold, chills running down your bare back again before you had effectively pulled the thin sheets from the bed corners to wrap it around your semi-naked and pale body.
You walked slowly towards the door, noticing it was only open by a crack as two voices were murmuring to each other on the other side. You recognised one of them, the voice that you could pick out easily enough with the way your heart, mind and nether regions reacted.

The other, you knew you had heard before but you never had the pleasure of meeting him. He was tall with pink, spiked-up hair and carrying cards that he played around with on his fingers like some sort of magician. You didn't meant to pry but curiosity killed the cat right?
You wanted to meet the people that your quiet lover would speak of but you knew he was extremely cautious, he always had you in the dark; literally and not.



You only heard faint sections of their conversations and you knew you shouldn't be listening at all. Normally around this time, Illumi would be gone and you would be having to leave the secluded and small building by yourself after having to redress yourself and leave through the dark forest

It was routine and it was burnt into your mind, you felt addicted but you didn't want it to stop. Your family was curious and worried too but once you told your friends to say that you were at a sleepover, everything was fine.

At first it felt so good because you felt so rebellious, you had never done anything like lying to your parents unless it was something trivial.
You wanted to go further with Illumi and he seemed to be onboard as long as you did as he said, masocist or not it was your fault for failing to cease his actions and words. He had you now though hook, line and sinker and you knew he would reel you in whenever he pleased.

You had hoped; every time you stared into the dark abyss that was his eyes, that it meant something to him. It was more than a fling to get rid off stress to him, you silently hoped that it had grown to mean something more to him like it did to you.

Your daydreaming was cut short by silence, it was too silent and that's what had caught your attention. You looked up abruptly to find two onyx eyes glaring down at you. They weren't angry, not that you could tell anyway when his face remained indifferent. You felt the automatic urge to apologise, "I- Ah.. I'm- I'm sorry.."

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