Nice Blu

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The call ended and my mind went rambling with what could possibly be wrong with him. Everything.

He's under the influence. Chill. I told myself in hopes of calming down. No such luck. I was getting my ticket process handled and running to get dressed in the next 30 minutes. I called him again.

He didn't pick up. Ugh Matthew, the things I do for you, like fly halfway across the world. I boarded the plane, nervous and hoping he was okay. The flight was rough, mentally. I couldn't help but wonder if he was really hurt. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I'd just let him go. I tried to fight, but it's all up to him now on the rest of our relationship.

When I finally arrived, I realized Australia was extraordinarily beautiful. I had come here once for touring, but never got to fully enjoy it. I found my driver outside the airport, waiting and I told him to just drive until I give him specific directions.

I didn't think this through. How am I going to find him if he doesn't pick up his phone? I sighed. This is going to be harder than I thought.

I tried getting one of my technicians to track his phone. They couldn't reach the signal, they said it has to be in water or just completely destroyed. He might not even want to be found. I thought hard until it came to me. They had to track my last call.
It'll give me a definite place to find it.

"Sky, it's in a sea leading to the ocean. You can't miss it. It's the only port around." Drew said and I thanked him for helping me.

I found the nearest boat, it was trashed and I knew he had been there. A few drunken teenagers were asleep covered in red solo cups.

I woke them up frantically.

"Where is Matthew?" I asked.

"Who the fuck is that?" A guy groaned. I ignored his disgusted look and explained Matthew's appearance.

"He left with Amelia." The guy answered groggily. My heart stopped, go home Blu. Stop trying. He doesn't care about you. I had to push the thoughts racing in my head away. He left with someone else, no big deal.

"Where did they go?" I asked. "Her house. River Rice Road. You'll find it, trust me its not hard to miss."

He was right, most definitely not hard to miss, but in all cases you'd want to miss it. The broken windows in some apartments scared me before my driver even drove up to Amelia's complex. I'm honestly trying to hard, but I have to find him. He means that much to me no matter where we stand together.

I hopped out the car and ran up to every door, knocking. The only person that actually opened the door was a old lady.

She looked annoyed and heavily hung over. I felt eerie standing there. Clearing my throat, I worked up my courage.

"I'm looking for an Amelia. Does she live here?" I asked and the lady frowned.

"Yes, go back to her room. You must be a friend." She said pulling me through the door. "I guess you could call us that." I spoke nervously laughing uncomfortably.

I walked all the way to the back door and slid it open. Matthew lay sprung out across her bed, his shirt disheveled along with his hair. Her arms and legs wrapped around him. He looked perfectly fine lying next to the slut.

I gasped and covered my mouth, trying not to believe my eyes. He instantly shot up from laying next to her, staring me dead in the eye.

"Blu?" He questioned, jumping completely off the bed startling Amelia.

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