• Goner •

289 13 2

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"So where do you live?" Cat asks me. I continue to look out the window and watch the houses pass. "Pinewood." I reply as I turn to her.

"Really? Me too!" She yells in amusement, it makes me giggle how she can be very energetic.

"Guess what?" She whispers with a smirk. 

"That cute guy lives on that street, too. He lives right across from me." She replies quietly.

I blush and shake my head.

"Why do you keep bringing him up?" I laugh.

Cat laughs as she glances to the seat behind us.

"You have a crush!" She gasps,  "Melanie has a crush." She yells where everyone can hear.

I laugh and nudge her side to shut her up. She laughs and turns red from all the attention.

"So, which is our stop?" I ask.

"The next one after this." She replies.

I look out and I see my street from a distance. I can't see my house, but I do see my street.

"Do a lot of people get off?" I ask . She shakes her head and looks back.

"Just four of us."

"Who?" I replied.

"Me, you, cute guy, and the guy in the back on his Gameboy." She said with a little giggle. "Well five." I replied. She looked confused and she tilted her head. "My big brother." I muttered. I nodded and grabbed my bag. "So which house is yours?" Cat asked.

Once we turned the corner, I pointed to my house and her face lit up. "Mine is that one." She said as she pointed to the house one away from mine. "The cute guy lives by you!!" She whispered as she looked at me with a huge smile.

The bus stopped on Cat got up. I followed and my brother was behind me. The cute guy was in front of us and we all got off.

Cat and I walked to her house, and my brother continued to our house. The cute guy walked across the street to his house, I guess and Cat invited me to her house.


"You wanna go eat?" Cat asked as we just talked about each other's interests and our classes.

We had Athletics, Biology, Algebra, English, History, and Advisory together, but she didn't have Theater with me. She was actually in the Honors Band. That's the highest in the school.

She plays in the drum line for all the football games. She has a game tomorrow and she's inviting me.

"Yeah let's go eat." I replied with a smile. She nodded and grabbed some keys. She motioned me to follow her and she took me outside to a car. "You can drive?" I asked. She nodded and smiled.

"Lucky." I replied with a whine. She laughed and got in the car. It was an old camero, I can't really tell what year it is, it was black and it had a pretty nice interior.

She turned on the car and we took off to McDonald's.

"Dude, I love your boards!" I yelled as I looked in the back of her car. She looked back and smiled at the boards. "Thanks. My favorite band gave them to me." She replied. My eyes lit at the fact she likes bands.

"You like bands??" I replied. She nodded and smiled. "Yep." She replied with a smile.

"You're awesome." I replied. She parked the car and we got out and went in to the restaurant. "Hi, welcome to McDonald's." The lady at the front said. We waved and walked up to the counter to order.

"I'm gonna have the twenty piece. And Melanie?" Cat said. "Me too." I replied. The lady gave us the cups and we filled them. We sat at our table and waited for our food.


"Do you know how to ride one?" Cat said as she parked her car in the drive way. I shook my head. She smirked and pulled the boards from the back and dropped them on the ground.

"Please no." I said as looked and saw the cute guy with my big brother. Great. He's gonna make him hate me. "Come on please for me??" She whined. I gave in and smiled.

"Fine." I replied. She laughed and pointed at the board. "Okay. Put your foot on it and push." She said. I placed my foot on the board and lifted my other foot to push, but I fell on my butt.

"Haha that's what you get fat ass!" My big brother yelled from the guys yard. I flicked him off and got up as I wiped my butt.

"are you okay??" Cat asked as she helped me up. I nodded and laughed.

I hoped back on and started to push. Surprisingly, I did great and actually made it down the drive way. After hours of practicing, Cat joined and we skated for hours.

"Hold on I'll be right back. I'm gonna go get my Polaroid." Cat said as she threw the board on the grass and went inside her house.

I continued to skate around and ignore my brothers snide comments. The cute guy and my brother were just talking and often laughed.

"Fat ass get out the street." I heard my brother yell. I ignored him until he yelled again.

"Get out of the street!"

Lost It All [1/5 Tony Perry series]Where stories live. Discover now