• Never Again •

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{ n i n e t e e n }

Present day ...

"He kissed me.." I let out to Cat. She smiled and covered her mouth. "Are you serious??" She asked as she ate the fry in her hand.

I nodded and blushed.

"So are you guys a thing now? Or?" She smirked. I shrugged and giggled.

"I don't know.." I replied.

"Well.. Oooooooooooo myyyyyy goooooooodddd." She yelled. My eyes widened as I reached over to cover her mouth.

"Shut the fuck up dude. Jesus what are you trying call?? A whale?!" I yelled. She giggled and her eyes filled with tears. Of joy I guess.

"He's behind you.." She whispered.

I looked back and saw Tony sitting alone eating his lunch. I felt bad. "Tony?" I yelled over the sound of the other kids in the cafeteria.

He turned and smiled. "Come sit with us?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed his stuff. I turned back around and saw Cat still dying of laughter.

I kicked her leg causing her to laugh even more. "Shut up." I laughed.

Her face grew a serious feature and she continued to eat her food. With a slight grin on her face.

"Hey Cat." Tony whispered. Cat waved as she tried to hold back a laugh. "What's funny?" Tony asked.

Cat shook her head and held her hand over her mouth. She got up and left to the bathroom.

"So last night.. Why did you kiss me again?" He asked. I blushed and turned to him.

"Well... You're a good kisser." I replied. He smiled, but tried to hide it.

"Oh..." He replied.

"Well since it's Valentine's Day. I have a surprise for you at your locker. Don't open it till sixth period." He said with a smile.

"What is it?" I asked.

He shook his head and smiled.

"I can't tell you.." He replied. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Fineee." I groaned.

The bell rang so we walked to our fifth period.

Cat caught up to us as we walked to our Advisory class. "So where do I meet you?" I asked Tony.

"Umm outside Davis' class." He replied. "Okay, see ya." I waved as I walked into my class and Cat walked to hers and Tony walked to his.

This class was boring because we couldn't do anything. Unless you had homework for another class.

The bell rang and I walked to Mr. Davis' class. Tony wasn't there, but Cat was. I remembered about Tony's surprise and the fact that its sixth period.

I put the combination to my locker and opened the door.

My heart sank to the pits of my body as hundreds of blades fell out to the ground. After  a lot of them fell out there was a red card. That red :

" have fun on your bathroom floor.."

Tears filled my eyes as everyone around me laughed. I turned around and Tony's face. Pure guilt was in his eyes. He opened his arms to hug me, but I pushed him away and ran to the bathroom.

I locked the stall and sat on the floor.

By the time I came out, it was seventh period.
My ROTCJ class. I headed to the locker room to change my clothes and put down my things.

I opened my locker and feared of whatever else might be in this locker. I opened it and saw a bouquet of red roses with a card.. I opened it and it red.

" happy Valentine's Day Melanie ..
- Tony ❤️ "

I felt something on the back of the card and saw our first picture together. When him and I were at the skating rink and he had me in his arms helping me from falling.

But then I remembered what he did earlier to embarrass me. But why would he do that?

Tony's POV//

"Mrs. Floret with all respect, but I have to go I'm meeting a friend right now." I groaned.

"Fine go." She muttered.

I ran out the door and turned the corner. I saw Melanie with tears in her eyes and saw thousands of blades at her feet.

I walked towards her and opened my arms, but she pushed me away. I looked back and saw Cat glaring at me.

"Such a dick move Tony." She muttered as she stood up and left.

"What did I do?" I asked. I looked down and saw a note on the ground.

And I recognized that shitty ass handwriting from anywhere. Jason.

I ran to my next class and saw him sitting on his seat laughing. I walked over to him and pushed him.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Jason muttered.

"You are bitch! You embarrassed my girlfrie- my best friend! You fucking dick!" I yelled ask pounded his face.

The teacher pulled me away as Jason got up and ran towards me. Cat held him back and he looked defeated.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" He muttered.

"The note. It's your fucking handwriting!" I yelled as I threw the card at him.

He face turned red as he looked at it.

"Jason come with me." The teacher said as he let me go and grabbed Jason. I sat down in my seat and put down my head.

God. She probably hates me.

Lost It All [1/5 Tony Perry series]Where stories live. Discover now