• Midnight cuts and daily starvations •

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{ e i g h t }

Melanie hasn't been in school for a week, Cat and I usually went to visit her at least three times a week. Since, the nurses heard her panicking about her dad, they restricted him from seeing her, in fear of him hurting her again.

I'm in Skills for Success right now and we're all making cards for her. I just laid my head down on my desk and closed my eyes. I really didn't feel like making her a card. I know it sounds rude, but I'm just not really in a great creative state of mind right now.

The bell rang so I just walked to the bus stop. Everywhere I turn, everyone is talking about how Rian beat her. All of the stories I'm hearing are lies, they either leave something out or put something in.

Whenever I pass by, they just shut up and look at me. It pisses me off how kids can be like that.

I never really liked people even if they weren't like that anyways. Just the idea of people disgusted me. It's just humans are all selfish.

I'm not saying I'm an angel, but it's just humans are built as liars and cheaters. It's just our nature.

(AN// Tony is an angel. He's perfect)

We cheat, lie, sin, kill, and we don't even care about it. People take others lives and sometimes we even take our own lives.

I got on the bus and sat down in my spot, since Melanie wasn't here Cat would sit by me on the bus, but Cat stayed home today.


I laid on my bed and turned on my music.

A song from Nirvana came on, I've never heard this song, but it's pretty good. The house is empty and it's been a while since I've done it.

I didn't want to it, because then I'd get addicted to the pain again. It's only been a week, but I guess that's progress. I used to only go hours without doing it.


Cat's POV//

"How you doing Melanie?" I ask as I walk into her room in the hospital. I look at her and she's just laying down on her phone. She looks up and smiles at the sight of food in my hand.

"Well, now that you're here with food. I'm better." She replied with a little smirk. I giggled and sat down beside her.

I pulled out the box and gave her the food I got her and pulled the food I got myself.
"So.. Tony is kind of like... Umm ... Like I don't know..." I trail off. Melanie looks at me smiles with a blush on her cheeks.

She swallows the food in her mouth and looks at me. "What?" She replied with a smile. I look at my drink and try to hold back a smile.

"He knows about your little crush." I said quickly. Her mouth swings open and looks at me with disbelief. "First off, I could care less. Second, I don't have a crush on him. All I said was that he's cute." She defended. I rolled my eyes and smiled.


"Hey, well I gotta go. I have class tomorrow. I'll try to come tomorrow or I'll tell Tony to come. Bye Melanie." I said as I grabbed my bags. Little did I know Melanie was passed out.

I left a note on her hand and closed the door behind me.

Melanie's POV//

I laid in the hospital bed alone in the dark. I couldn't sleep at all. I just couldn't. It wasn't that I wasn't sleepy, it's just I'm paranoid. I know Rian's in jail, but it still scares me.

Ever since that night, I haven't been able to sleep. Only when someone is here with me, which is only on the weekends. Only if my mom were here to help me get through this.

This has been the most impossible year. My mom passed away, I got addicted to self harm, my brother and father became really abusive to me, and it's just to much to deal with right now.

It just want my life to end already. I hate my life so much.

God, why can't I just be dead.

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