• Tear My Heart Open •

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{ t w e n t y - o n e }

"So Melanie, what kind of music do you like?" The man asked. I paused and smiled.

"Mostly rock." I replied.

"My son should get along just great with you then!" The lady shouted. I smiled and nodded politely.

"Anymore questions for her? Mr or Mrs Fuentes?" Mrs. Baker asked. They shook their heads and smiled at me.

"Okay, follow me and I will show you the paperwork." She led them out the room and Tony walked in the room.

He sat down beside me and leaned his head on my shoulder. "I'm gonna miss you, twirt." He groaned. I nodded in agreement and frowned a little.

"I heard they lived here in Garland, so I don't think I'm gonna move schools." I replied.

"But if I do.. I'm gonna miss you too." I replied. "Speaking of which. I missed your birthday yesterday!" I groaned.

Tony tilted his head and shook it. "It's next Thursday." He replied.

"You said this Thursday." I groaned. He shook his head and smiled.

"Sorry I meant next." He whispered as he tapped my nose. Mrs. Baker walked in and Mr.
Fuentes walked in with two boys.

"Melanie, this is Mike and Vic. Mr. Fuentes' sons." Mrs. Baker introduced us. I shook their hands and they smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you Melanie. I'm Mike." The taller on greeted. I smiled and waved. "I'm Vic." The shorted one waved.

"Is this your boyfriend?" Vic asked. I blushed and shook my head.

"No of cour-" Tony interrupted me.

"Not yet." He smirked to me. I smiled and nudged his side. "Well, I'll take care of her. Promise." Mike smiled.

Tony nodded and smiled.

"Okay Melanie. They're gonna take you home and stay the night with you. Tomorrow you will pack you stuff and go to their house." Mrs. Baker said.

"Oh no, Ma'am you might've misheard me. We are going to move to that house. I don't want to cause Melanie stress on moving schools." Mr. Fuentes added.

Tony grabbed my hand and smiled.


"This is your room." I opened the door to Rian's old room. It was empty, it gave off a really good vibe.

"Your brother smoked pot. I can tell." Mike muttered. I giggled and tilted my head.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Don't tell my parents, but I do and I recognize the smell of it." He giggled. I laughed lightly and shook my head.

"So where's your room?" He asked. "Right across the hall." I replied.

"Ohh, does Tony live here?" He asked. I shook my head and frowned.

"No, he spends the nights sometimes, but not a lot." I replied.


I sat at the balcony and looked over the neighborhood. I noticed Tony's lights turned on in his house and I saw shadows moving in the hall.

The lights turned off and the curtains opened. Tony opened his window and closed the shades again.

I looked over at the moon and smiled. Knowing that my grandparents, mom and sister were watching over me.

The door behind me opened and I saw Mike sit beside me. He had a lighter in his hand, and he passed me a cigarette.

"Um I don't smoke..."  I trailed off.

"Try it? If you don't like it, then I'll have it." He replied. He lit the cigarette and I put it in my mouth.

Inhaling the smoke, and exhaling the cancer.

My phone vibrated and I saw I had a text from Tony.

Tony - you smoke now?

Me - I'm just trying it.

Tony - oh can I come over? 

Me - sure.

"Hey Mike. Tony's coming over do you mind?" I asked him. Mike shook his head and smiled.

"Not at all. This is your house." He replied.

Hopefully he can spend the night.

Lost It All [1/5 Tony Perry series]Where stories live. Discover now