• Stalkers Rise •

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{ t h i r t y - o n e }

I arrived at the hospital. Mike and Vic were in tears. So was her mom and dad. Fear overlaps my body.

"What happen???" I asked. No one answered. Worry took over my mind. Playing the worse possible scenarios.

"She.... they found a blood clot. Her body went under shock. She's under surgery right now." Her dad said.

I felt a wave of shock zoom through my body.
If the guy at the bus stop was associated with this, I'm not taking chances.

I stepped out the waiting room and headed down to the cafeteria. I sat down and got out my phone.

I dialed 911 on my phone and waited.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"Hello? I would like to report a possible murder attempt suspect."

"What is your location sir?"

"Parkland hospital."

"Can you tell us what happen?"

"We were walking and a car passed by. They shot my girlfriend and they drove off."

"Do you know the location of the suspect?"

"I don't know his current location, but I have an idea."

"Is the victim able to come in for questioning?"

"No ma'am she's in a coma."

"Okay. We are sending some police officers over to the hospita-"

"No please send them to my house. 1290 Pinewood Rd. I don't want to scare her mother or brothers."

"Okay sir."

"Thank you."

I hung up the phone and started to run to the bus stop. As soon as I got there the bus pulled up.

I sat down beside a guy who was looking out the window, but I couldn't see him. He turned for a split second and it was the guy who helped us. As it seems.

I tapped his shoulder and he turned. As he turned, his face grew surprised. I needed to get him to my house, but I needed to make him feel safe. So I needed to throw in a few lies.

"Hey! How are you?"

"Uh- fine. You?"

"I'm great! My girlfriend is awake. And they found who did it!"

His face grew confident and he didn't seem scared anymore. If anything he looked really cocky.

"That's great! Where you headed?"

"I'm going home. About to eat some food before I head back to the hospital! Hey! Why don't you join me? Since you helped us. I'm just gonna have a few friends over."

"Umm I have somewhere to be, but I can stop by for a few minutes."

"That's great!" I replied.

Our stop came up, so we got off the bus and walked home. I only prayed that the cops weren't there yet.

"This is my house!" I said. By the looks of it, my mom wasn't home, because her car was missing from the drive way.

I unlocked the door and let us in the house. "So where do you need to be? If you don't mind me asking." I asked.

"Dinner party in downtown." He replied. I nodded and smiled as I put my phone down on the table.

"Hey I never got you name. What is it?" He asked. I didn't want to say my actual name so I lied a bit.

"Antonio Soto." I replied. "Nice name. Mine is Anthony Grey." He added.

I turned to the cabinets to grab a few snacks as a car pulled up in the drive way. "Melanie's not really awake is she?" He asked.

I turned and a gun was in my face. A knock was at the door. "Garland Police Department open the door!" The police yelled.

"I would kill you right here. Right now. But I want you to see the pain Melanie's gonna go through tonight." He muttered.

The knocks started to turn into banging. "You make a sound. And I pull the trigger." He muttered in my face.

He walked towards the door and opened it. "Hello officers. How may I help you?" He asked.

"We were called here." One replied. "Hmmm I don't remember calling. You might have the wrong house. There's another Pinewood across town." He replied.

"He's lying! He's holding me captive!" I yelled.


I could feel the tension between us.

"Put the gun dow-"

*gun shot*

I looked down and saw blood gushing out my stomach. Everything was turning blurry. I felt sweat dripping off my head.

I got dizzy. "You're going to pay for this kid!" He yelled.

An officer approached me. "hey bud. You're going to be okay." He whispered as he put pressure to the gun shots.

It caused great pain, but it's for my own safety I guess. I felt my eyes drooping down and becoming tired.

"Stay with me. Ambulance is going to be here any minute." He whispered.

I nodded slowly. Trying to stay awake.

But by now, it was the most impossible thing to do right now.

"Take in deep breaths." He added. "Where is he!?" I heard a loud voice ask.

"Over here sir!" The police yelled.

"Get the stretcher! If he's critically injured, he won't have much time.!" He yelled.

The police took off the pressure and carried me on the stretcher. Everything was dizzy, and blurry.

Time started to skip. I'd blink in the kitchen and be in the ambulance the next second.

Soon after I was in the truck. falling asleep. Clinging on to my life, by what seemed to be like a finger nail.

I started to drift asleep. Slowly. And then all at once.

Lost It All [1/5 Tony Perry series]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang