• This Bitter End •

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{ t h i r t y - f i v e }

Final Chapter / 12 hours from disconnection

I sat in Melanie's room. Looking at all her posters and things she had collected.

I looked on her dresser and saw the first picture we took. A tear escaped my eye and fell on my hand.

I laid in her bed and it let out a breeze of her perfume. "Please God. Let her live." I whispered to myself.

"Let's go." Cat whispered as she stood in the doorway. She looked around the room and looked at her things, too.

I nodded and stood up from the bed.

We got to the hospital and none of her family was there. Even though I had sent them messages informing them about the incident.

When Rian got the message, he wasn't to happy, but he was the only one who wanted to come. Unfortunately, the jail wouldn't let him get out today .

9 hours from disconnection

I went into her room and saw her laying there in the bed. "We came close." I sighed. I set the roses on her bed and sat beside her.

Cat left the room and left us two. Tears started to build in my eyes. Memories of us started to flow back into my head causing the tears to fall.

"Why are you smelling me?" I groaned. She jumped at the sound of my voice. I giggled at her.

"Sorry, you just smelled good." She replied with a giggle. I smiled again, and looked at her.  Staring into her beautiful eyes.

"You have such beautiful eyes Melanie." I whispered. She smiled and blushed lightly. It made me smile and feel how lucky I am.

"Let's go eat breakfast." I groaned. She shook her head and buried her face in my chest again. "It's to early." She groaned back at me. I squinted my eyes at my phone and giggled. "I didn't realize it was this early." I replied.

"Can we go for a walk then?" I added.
"Sure." She replied.

And that's the end of my memory. God how much I miss that day.

5 hours from disconnection

I got up and laid beside her. I put my arm around her and laid my head on her shoulder. "This is it." I whispered. "No more... hugs. No more... Kisses. No more... You." I whispered.

I closed my eyes and started to drift asleep.

Cat's POV//

I walked in the room and saw Tony sleeping with Melanie. It made me think, they could've been happy with each other.

I walked over and shook Tony lightly. "Hey Tony. I'm sorry, but it's time." I whispered to him.

His eyes opened and landed on me. "What?" He groaned. "It's time..." I replied. Tears built in his eyes and it made me start to cry after a while.

He nodded and sighed.

Tony's POV//

35 minutes from disconnection

"It's time..." Cat trailed off. She left the room with tearful eyes. I kissed Melanie's forehead and held her hand one last time.

I got up from the bed and walked out the room and saw Mike sitting down in the seat crying.

"Are you going to go in?" Her mom asked me. I nodded as a tear fell from my eye.

We all stood up and walked into the room of which Melanie was in. "Are you guys ready? Or do want to say a few words to her?" The doctor asked.

Her mom nodded as a tear fell from her eye. "Yeah." She choked out. We all sat down around Melanie and tears were in all our eyes.

"This is it." Mike whispered. I nodded slowly as tears fell from my face. "I think it's safe to say that Tony was the closest to her." Cat said with a smile.

They all nodded and smiled.

"I remember when Melanie, ... One day we were sitting on her couch watching television and she was about to sneeze, when she did... she kind of farted.." I giggled.

They all laughed and glanced at Melanie.

"You guys ready?" Mike asked. We all nodded and sighed. He left the room and entered with a doctor.

She walked towards Melanie's machine and sighed. "Disconnecting fluids tube." She shouted. She flipped the switch and the tube that gives her food stopped.

Her monitor stayed the same.

"Disconnecting liquids tube." She added. She flipped the switch.

Her monitor stayed the same.

"Disconnecting last and major tube. Oxygen." She added. She flipped the switch and the monitor started to slow down.

She sat there for a second, and then the monitor flatlined.

Tears filled my face and I left the room.

That's the end of Melanie Hernandez.

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