• There is no sunshine, this inpossible year •

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{ n i n e }

A few weeks later ...

It's been three weeks since I've been dismissed from the hospital. Today will be the first day I'm back to school. Tony and Cat told me a lot of people have been talking about me.

I'm just really scared to start school again. All the attention scares me. I've never really liked having attention. Next week is Valentine's Day and I don't expect to get anything good or anything at all.


"You still want me to hold your stuff?" Tony asked me as he opened the door to the cafeteria. I nodded and smiled lightly.

"Thanks Tony. It means a lot." I replied as I sat down next to Cat. I put my crutches beside me and got out my bag of chips. Everyone just starred at me, they didn't even ask if I was okay.

I noticed a new boy in school, he wasn't there when I got here and I've never seen him around before. His eyes met mine and he winked at me with a smirk on his face. I felt my face get red and I turned around to avoid and I have to admit.. Hes pretty cute .

( cover photo )

"Don't talk to him, he's new, but a total fuckboy." Cat said as she continued to eat her salad and roll her eyes.

Tony nodded in agreement. "So, what happen while I was gone?" I asked either of them.

"The guy, his name is Jason. He already asked out a girl. He got rejected. Everyone told him about you." Cat said trying to quiet down at the end.

Today was a half day, so after advisory we get to go home. The buses weren't picking up, so we had to walk home after school.

* during last period *

The only class I don't have either of them in. My advisory class. Jason 'the fuckboy' was in my class, he constantly looks back and winks or smiles at me. It made me a bit uncomfortable.

The bell rung and I got up, grabbed my crutches, and grabbed my backpack. I started walking towards the door as a hand touched my shoulder. "Hi um, I'm Jason.." He trailed off. His eyes met mine and they were more than perfect.

"I'm uh - I'm.." I stopped as he interrupted me . "Yeah, Melanie... I kind of know you.." He trailed off. I stood there like an idiot, forgetting that Tony and Cat are waiting for me.

"So, I gotta go.. Sorr-"

"Do you need help with your stuff?" Jason asked me . I shook my head and smiled. "No, my friend Tony is waiting for me. He carries my stuff." I replied.

"Oh, sorry. Um here's my number.. Text me?" Jason said as he handed me a paper. I nodded and smiled.


"He talked to you??" Cat asked as we walked down the sidewalk. I giggled and nodded. For some reason Tony wasn't interested in the conversation at all.

Once we got home, we went to my house and hung out. We were sitting on the couch as my phone started ringing.


"Is this Melanie?"

"Yeah, who's this?"

"That's none of your business bitch."

I hung up the phone and threw it on the floor. Because I know exactly who it is. Cat tapped my should in confusion and kind of gestured me to calm down. She pointed to my hands and they were shaking uncontrollably.

"Who was it?" Tony asked. I looked from my hands and shrugged. I didn't want to scare them so I just didn't say who it was.

"Are you sure?" Cat asked. I nodded and smiled. For the rest of the night I wasn't the same.

Tony's POV//

Cat and Melanie are asleep on the couch, and I don't want to leave, because of I don't want to wake them up. I sighed and starred at Melanie's beautiful eyes. Wishing I could get to know her.


The clock says 2:30 am and I really have to go home or my mom would get worried. I sat up in the chair and Melanie woke up screaming and panicking.

Since Cat is a really hard sleeper, it doesn't wake her up. I picked up Melanie and held her in my arms until she fell asleep again.

I laid her in my arms until I fell asleep along with her.

Melanie's POV//

"IM GOING TO HURT YOU MELANIE!" My dad yelled in my face. The dream stopped and I was screaming uncontrollably, probably waking up Cat and Tony.

The screaming stopped as I was in someone's arms, but I was to tired to look up and see hows arms I'm in.


I woke up in Tony's arms with Cat starring in Awe. I rolled my eyes at her and she giggled as if she knew what I was thinking.

I guess I'm starting to fall for this Tony guy.

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