• Just A Memory •

186 11 1

{ s i x t e e n }

Present day ..

"Tony wake up." Melanie groaned as she shook me. We arrived at the venue and it was literally packed.

"I'm up." I replied. We all got out the car and went inside and for my terrible luck, he was playing rap music. And I hate that.


"You want to go home?" Melanie asked. Cat was asleep on a chair and a lot of people have left already. I nodded and smiled.

"You want to walk? Cause I don't know how to drive." She giggled. "Yeah." I replied.

We left the venue and continued to walk.

Bold is Tony ; regular is Melanie

"So how long has it been? Since I've met you."

"Two months."

"dang. It's felt longer."

"It has to be honest."

"So do you have any siblings?"

"I had a brother, but he passed away."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"It's okay. I've learned to coop with it."

"So what was his name?"


"Oh how old was he?"


"Well I'm sure he's in a better place."

"So how about you? Any other brother or sisters?"

"Um I had a sister, but she passed away too."

"What happen?"

"Nobody really knows. She was healthy and nothing was wrong with her. But her and I were watching television one morning and she she just fell asleep... As I thought. And when I tried to wake her up, she didn't."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"So how old are you?"

"I'm about to turn seventeen. You?"

"Same. My birthday is in March."

"Mines next Thursday."

"That's cool. Maybe we should hang out that day.."


"So what kind of music you like?"

"Um rock and metal."


"That's cool." *giggles*

"I'm tired."

"Me too."

"Can you carry me??"

*giggles and nods* "hop on"

"Awh thanks."

"It's no problem."

When continued walking and we got to know each other a lot better.

"So do you have a boyfriend?"

"Pshhh nah . I'm too ugly."

"Whaaat no you're not."

"Yes I am."

"What ever dude. You're fucking beautiful."

"Thanks Tony."

"Well you're home."

I set her down and she looked up at me.

"Thanks for carrying me." She said as she smiled. I looked into her eyes and they were as beautiful as when I met her.

"God you're so beautiful." I whispered as I stared into her eyes. She blushed and looked down.

"No I'm no-" she tried to say, but my lips collided with hers. A gently handled her face and we stood there with our lips together for a second.

We departed and she looked at me and blushed. "I'm sorry." I whispered. She smiled and shook her head.

"Don't be." She replied. My breathing sped up and I couldn't believe I did that.

"Tony what was that?" Melanie asked. "I have feelings for you..." I replied.

"Well... I kind of do too, but just give it some time. We gotta know each other better." She replied as she kissed my lips again and walked to her door.

"I'll see you tomorrow Tony." She said as she waved and closed the door behind her.

"Goodnight... Melanie."

Lost It All [1/5 Tony Perry series]Where stories live. Discover now