• Hospital For Souls •

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{ s e v e n }

I woke up in a hospital bed. I was cold and I couldn't feel my body from the stomach down. I glanced over to my right and saw Cat sitting beside Tony. I looked down at my body and it was covered in bruises.

My arms had the most.

I've never felt more worthless in my life. My mouth tastes like blood and I could barley breathe, let alone move my eyes.

And now I just pray to God that the doctors didn't see my self harm scars. If they did... I'm off to therapy and back to the institution. Worst two years of my life.

Neither Tony or Cat didn't notice I woke up. I guess that's good because I don't want them to know I'm awake. Because they would ask my all these questions, that I don't want to answer at the moment.

After a while, I got tired of staying silent so I decided to make noise and move around a bit. I tried to stretch, but it hurt anytime I moved or even breathed.

"Melanie? Are you awake?" I heard Cat say quietly. I opened my eyes and they landed right on Cat.

And then I remembered the reason I'm here in this deathbed. "Where's Rian?!" I panicked and started to move around and ignored the pain.

Tony got up and held me down gently and Cat tried calm me down. "Hey Melanie! He's in jail! Calm down!" Cat yelled over my sobbing. I eased down and Tony let me go.

"Your dads on his way." Cat said. Only causing me to go bezerk.

"NO! My dad hates me! And he loves my brother! If he knows he's in jail,  he's just going to hit me!" I yelled. Cat tried to shush me and calm me down, but the fear of my dad just got worse.

"It's okay. I won't let him touch you." Cat whispered as she laid down and held me to her stomach.

A tear escaped my eye just as I drifted to sleep again.

Tony's POV//

Rian and I walked in her room and we saw her laying in the bed sleeping, but I knew she wasn't sleeping. A girls hair isn't that perfect when she is sleeping or even laying down.

Rian turned on the play station and handed me the controller. Melanie had got a text on her phone and Rian had checked. He started messing with her and I wanted to stop him, but I knew I couldn't defend myself, let alone Melanie.

I left and called 911 and by then they were to late. Rian had already beat the best of Melanie. It's all my fault, if I didn't say yes to go inside it wouldn't have happen.

"What happen??!" Cat yelled from behind me. I held her from running towards the paramedics. I looked to Melanie and her eyes closed and her head fell back.

It made me think ...

She's dead.

"Come on let's go." Cat said as the ambulance left. Cat pulled my arm into her car and we drove off to the hospital they're taking her to.


They let us in her room, but we couldn't wake her up due to her health issues. I walked in the room and saw her laying there with her pale bruised body.


Was the only word I could say about this situation. Cat had called her dad a couple of minutes ago and I know for a fact Melanie isn't going to like that. Rian is basically the little prissy suck up to him, and Melanie was like a Cinderella to them, they treated her like a maid.

Anytime I see her and her dad together, he's either pushing her or dragging her by the hair. There's no in between.

Melanie opened her eyes and looked around taking in her surroundings. She glanced at me and then at Cat. I looked down at my phone and saw I had a text from my best friend Oliver. He lives in San Diego.

Pretty chill guy. But that's not what's important at the moment. Melanie is hurt and it's all my fault.

Cat told her something I wasn't paying attention to and Melanie went bezerk. I held her down and tried to not hurt her, because of all of her bruises.

Once she calmed down she fell asleep in Cats arms, making me wish they were mine. I know she probably doesn't even know my name, but she's so beautiful. Her hair, eyes, teeth, voice, smile, everything is just perfect.

I knew for a fact she wouldn't like me back. She wouldn't like me back, because girls like her don't love boys like me.

I turned back to the message from Oliver and replied.

Oliver - Hey how u been ?
Me - hey dude I've been great you?
Oliver - that's good and I've been good . What you up to?
Me - at the hospital wbu
Oliver - you didn't hurt yourself again right?
Me - no, my friend just got hurt .
Oliver - okay, well when you coming back to SD? We all miss you dude.
Me - Maybe this spring break? I'm not doing so well rn.
Oliver - are you okay?
Me - yeah, just after my grandpas death, it's just been really hard.
Oliver - stay strong man, I'll see you soon.
Me - bye Oli .
Oliver - bye Tone

I looked up to Cat and she had fell asleep as well. I read the time and it was three AM. We've been here for about four hours and her dad is probably on the way.

God I just hope he doesn't hurt her, too.

Lost It All [1/5 Tony Perry series]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum