• Words Hurt •

116 9 3

{ t h i r t y - t h r e e }

Three weeks later .

I sat in Melanie's room, watching her sleep. I looked at the clock and it read 12:02
AM .

"Happy two month anniversary babe." I whispered as I kissed her forehead. "It's been two months." I whispered.

Lately, she's become more responsive. She squeezes my hand, smiles every so often, and when I talk to her, her breathing speeds up on the monitor.

It gives me great hope that she will be waking up soon and it makes me wonder if she will want to start over with the relationship or continue.

I kissed her forehead and stood up. I opened the door and saw Mike sitting down in the waiting room.

I sat down beside him and sighed. "I heard my mom talking to the doctors and she said that she's authorizing them to take her off life support." He whispered.

"What!?" I asked. "No!" I yelled. "Hey calm down. It's not our decision." He replied.
"They can't take her off. She's barely getting better." I cried.

"I know, but it's her decision. If it were mine, I wouldn't." He replied. "I'm sorry." Mike added.
"I'm going to miss her." He trailed off.

"Me, too." I replied.


"So when you divide the 98 by 12, you're going to multiply that by 23..." My teacher explained to the class.

Of course, I wasn't paying attention. Yesterday they gave the date, that they're taking her off life support.

And if she can't live without it. Then she won't live at all. "Tony." Cat whispered.
"Did you do Ms. Humphreys homework?" She asked.

"No. Sorry." I replied. She nodded and continued to listen to the lesson. I drew a little heart in the corner of my paper and put our initials in it.

"Awww look at attention slut! Drawing his suicidal girlfriends name on his paper!" A guy beside me yelled. Everyone laughed at me.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Cat yelled. "No Cat. Leave the bitches alone." I muttered to her.
She clenched her jaw and nodded.

"I got you after school little bitch!" One of them muttered to me. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Bring it." I muttered.


"Hold Cat down!" Allen yelled. Two guys grabbed my arms and held me down. "Get off me!" I yelled.

Allen stood in front of me. He grabbed something from his pocket and slipped it on his knuckles.

A metal bar. Or "brass knuckles"

He punched me really hard in the stomach causing me to groan. After the first hit, he repeatedly started to punch me in the face and stomach.

"No! Stop!" I heard Cat yell in the background. "Stop! You're hurting him!" She added. "Help!" She yelled.

At this point, I stopped trying to get away. I stopped trying to live. "No! Sto.... You're hurt...." The sound became distant and then soundless.

I looked up and saw Allen's face splattered with blood. Mine, I'm guessing. The two guys dropped me, and walked off. I laid on the floor, wanting to be dead.

I felt a pair of arms grab my torso and pick me up. "Come on. Let's get you home." I heard Cat whisper.

"I'm sorry." I whispered to her. "Don't be sorry Tony." She replied .

We walked to her house and she hesitated to keep me from falling. Blood was running from my nose and mouth.

We arrive at her house and we got inside. Nobody was home, so she sat me on her couch. "Can you stand on your own?" She asked.

I shook my head and opened my eyes forcefully. "Okay. Take off your clothes. You're going to shower." She said.

She stood me up and took me to the restroom. She opened the door and sat on the toilet seat in her bathroom. "Take off your clothes." She said.

I slowly started to off my shirt, and pants. "I'm not getting in with you, I'm just gonna stay in here just in case you fall. Unless you feel like you need me to stand you up." She said.

"I think, I can stand." I groaned. She nodded and smiled.

She stood outside and closed the door. I looked in the mirror and saw bruises on my stomach and the gun shots around my belly button.

I turned on the water and turned the hot water on. I put my face in the water and breathed in the air when I could.

I turned off the water and wrapped the towel around my waist. "Cat!" I yelled quietly.

She opened the door and looked in. "Yeah?" She asked. "I need clothes." I whispered. She nodded and closed the door.

She came back in with sweats and a t-shirt. I'm guessing it's her big brothers clothes. "Thank you." I groaned softly. I started to put on my clothes as my arm got a cramp.

"Ahg." I groaned. Cat knocked on the door. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. Just got a little cramp." I replied.

"Hurry, we're gonna see Melanie today." Cat announced. "Oh." I whispered.

Only fearing what laid ahead Friday.

Her death.

Or the rest of her life.

Lost It All [1/5 Tony Perry series]Where stories live. Discover now