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{s e v e n t e e n }

Three years before ...

Melanie's POV//

"Mom can I order pizza?" I asked. She nodded and smiled. I grabbed the phone and my father stepped in the room.

"What are you doing with that phone?!" He muttered in my face. "I-I'm ordering-"

"Kevin leave her alone." My mom muttered to him. My breathing sped up, because I knew what was going to happen.

My mom motioned me to get out and I did. My sister was in the living room and Rian was on the couch beside her.

"Jaimie come on." I whispered as she jumped off the couch and came along with me upstairs. Rian followed and we all went to the room upstairs.

The past four hours were just yelling and screaming. Jaimie fell asleep in my arms and Rian fell asleep listening to music.

The yelling stopped and the door slammed.

I slowly went downstairs and saw my mom on the couch crying. I sat beside her and hugged her tightly with gentleness.

"Why don't we just move?" I asked her. She shook her head and wiped the year from her face.

"We can't baby. I can't afford living alone without your father." She replied.

"But he's hurting you." I whispered.

"That's a sacrifice I have to make for you guys. If getting hurt means you have a place to stay and sleep or eat. Then so be it." She said as she stroked my head.

"I just don't like seeing you hurt." I replied.

"I know baby." She whispered.

"I love you mom." I said as I kissed her cheek and held her tighter.

She smiled and kissed my head. "I love you too baby." She whispered.

Jaimie slowly walked down the stairs and found her way to my moms arms. Honestly I love my mom so much. She's the only person who understands me.

The next day...

"Jaimie don't get to close to the television." I said as I sat down on the couch. She got up and sat down in my lap.

She laid her head on my chest and continued to watch the television. She was watching SpongeBob.

After a while, she stopped laughing at the show and that indicated that she's asleep.

The sun started coming up and she was still asleep. It surprised me because she never really sleeps this long.

"Babe wake up your sister so we can go to the store." My mom said as she put on her earring. I sat up and held Jaimie a little longer in my arms.

I started to shake her gently, but she wouldn't wake up. "Jaimie?" I whispered as I kissed her cheek.

They were cold...

"Mom.. She won't wake up..." I trailed off. She rushed towards me and felt her wrist.

I stood there in shock of what just happen. My mom took her from my arms and rushed out to the car. Rian came downstairs and followed my mom.


After a couple of hours in the hospital, my brother came in the waiting room crying. He crouched beside me and hugged me really tight. "Melanie?" He whispered.

"She's gone. isn't she?" I muttered. A tear built in his eye as he nodded.

I closed my eyes and put my head in my hands. Rian held me tightly and kissed my cheek. "She's in a better place. I promise." He whispered.

"Where is she?" I muttered.

"They're about to take her out her room." He replied. "Let me take you to her room." He added.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me as I continued to stare into space. We arrived in a room with my little sister laying there lifeless.

I looked at her and I couldn't take it. I shook my head and ran out the room. Rian followed and sat down with me.

"Hey it's going to be okay-"

"No it's not. She was only five. It's not going to be okay. It's not fair!" I yelled.

"Shh shh shh ..." He whispered as he held me tightly.

"She's in a better place. Okay babe. She's with grandpa Paul and grandma Grace.." He whispered.

I nodded and wiped the tears from my eyes.


"Jaimie Claire Hernandez was the sweetest girl I've ever known... and to know that she's gone... Makes my heart explode. She had a short life, but she was loved by many. As my daughter... I will miss her. Forever. And I wont forget her." My mom choked out.

I stared at my little sisters lifeless body in her casket with her blue lace dress and black bow in her hair.

I know if she were alive, she wouldn't want herself to be wearing that.

I put her favorite Mickey Mouse doll in her arms and kissed her forehead before they closed the casket and started to lower her down. She was finally at peace.

"Goodbye... Jaimie. Please don't forget me."

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