Chapter Two

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"Hi Sam." The words came out, along with all the courage I had left. My heart was beating out of my chest, against my ribs and I could've sworn that if anyone was listening close enough, they would hear the uneven beats in my chest.

Anger flashes through his eyes and I quickly look down, not daring to look into the dark brown eyes that show nothing but hatred towards me, sitting back down. I chew on my bottom lip, hearing a quiet sound come from Sam's throat; a growl? I shook the though from my head and take a look around, noticing all eyes on us. They all looked the same. Some taller than others but same tanned skin, brown eyes, short brown hair, muscular body... Are these boys of steroids or something? Just as quickly as the thought came to mind, it left. Sam's words cutting through my brain.

"Everyone out." He mutters through gritted teeth. I harshly swallowed down the bile in my throat, fear getting the best of me. Everyone just stayed seated, looking like fish out of sea as they opened and closed their mouths, not sure what to say or do.

"Everyone out." Sam demanded and everyone, like he was the king and they were his slaves, quickly got up and ran out the wooden door; the door slamming shut behind them.

It was then that I dared to look up and meet the eyes that hated me since the moment I walked through the front door. Sitting up a little taller, hoping that a boost of courage will come pumping through my veins. 

"Why are you here, Chloee?" He said my name harshly, so harsh it made me flinch. I fold my hands together, squeezing them tightly in hopes that they will help me mutter the words I need to say.

"I need a place to stay." I spoke up, my voice giving away my fear but I still said what I had to. Good job, Chloee.

"Why?" Sam just stood there, gripping the back of Emily's seat, anger and now confusion written all over his face. But the anger was there more than the confusion.

"Mom died." I bit my bottom lip, trying to fight back the threatening tears. "We were in a car crash and-"

"Wait – we?" I nodded, continuing my sentence, "she died on impact."

That's when the anger and confusion swept away. Those four words brought sadness in his eyes, his grip loosening on the chair. Sam always had a soft spot for my mom. I mean, she looked just like him; same hair, eyes, skin tone. He treated her like she was the one who carried him in her womb, who gave birth to him. And me, well, he hated me and I never figured out why. He just did.

Sam gently pushed away from Emily's chair and walked over to the door, opening it.
"You can leave. Go find somewhere else to stay." He almost said that in a nice, sweet way. Almost. Bending over, he grabbed my suitcase and duffle bag, getting ready to through them out.

"Wait!" I nearly shouted, standing up. His gaze drifted over to me, anger all over his features, then he looked me over; noticing the boot on my right leg. I reached back to my back pocket in my jeans, pulling out the piece of paper that says that he is my legal guardian; until I'm eighteen, anyways.

I ran a hair through my curly, red hair as I noticed a flash of worry flash through his eyes as he examined my leg more. Adjusting my weight to my left side, a quiet groan escaping my lips, I extend my left arm out. "You should read this first before you do that."

Hesitating before walking over, he took the paper and unfolded it; examining the words. Sam's jaw locks up as he realizes what it says; what it means. "I don't want to be your legal guardian." He folds the paper back together, placing it on the table, "Go find someone else." Turning around, he walks back to the door to do what he was about to do.

"Please, Sam!" I shout, making him stop. "I-I know you hate me," tears threaten to leave my eyes and I try to fight them back, "but please, Sam. I'll be eighteen in five months then I'll leave. Just please, let me stay!" I fling my arms up in the air, frustration getting at me.

The thing is, I don't hate Sam. No, I just don't like him. He's a big brother to me and he has always acted like a big brother, whether he meant to or not he did. I was always bullied in school because of my pale face and red hair. You know what Sam did? He would come to my rescue and tell them to leave me alone. He would then grab my hand and pull me away before letting me go, not a word leaving his mouth as he walked away. One day, it got so bad that Sam beat them up; telling them that if I dared to hurt his sister again, he'll put them in the hospital. That was the first and last time he called me that. Since then, no one dared to hurt me because I was Sam Uley's sister–step sister.

Emily stands from her chair, grabbing my hand and gives me a small smile; taking me out of my thoughts.

"I want her to stay, Sam. Even if it is for a little while." Her sweet voice echoes through the house, a hint of a demand mixed in. At those words, Sam turns around, dropping my things, looking like a fish out of water.

"We don't have a room for her to stay." He speaks, hoping it would change her mind.

"We have a couch and you and the boys will fix up the room for Chloee." Emily's solution lingered in the air for a while. A look of frustration overtakes Sam's face as he closes the door.

"Fine." The one worded mumble made Emily smile and squeeze my hand before letting it go. She walks over to Sam and kisses his cheek, whispering something in his ear.

I looked down and stare at my broken leg.
"Call the boys–and Leah– and invite them for dinner! They need to get started asap! And, of course, meet your sister." Emily excitedly says, walking into the kitchen to make food. Sam mumbles something about me not being his sister as he walks towards the phone.

Well, here goes nothing.

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