Chapter Twenty Two

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—This chapter is dedicated to bunnybaby786 , thank you for always leaving comments! It means a lot :) —

I went to bed around 11:30, slept for a couple hours then woke up, nothing but fear and sadness taking over me. I don't want to sleep, I don't want to eat, the bonfire was supposed to be a night to remember in a good way. Not in a way of 'oh, my "dad" is fighting to have full custody of me'. I don't want to remember it that way but I can't get it out of my head, it just keeps replaying in my mind like a broken record player. So, here I am, sitting on my window seat with my head against the cold glass as I try to erase the memory and thought from my head.

Just as I was about to get up and go for a 3am run, tiny rocks start to hit my window, making not only my head turn and my eyes squint to see who is out there but also making my heart race with fear.
There, in the darkness of the night, is a tall silhouette and it's a boy. Jacob. I smile softly to myself, feeling at ease since I first found out about my "father" at the presence of this man.

Quietly, I reach over to the side of the middle window, unlocking the top and bottom latches before pushing it open.
"What are you doing, Black?" I whisper shout, not wanting to wake up Emily and Sam.

In the darkness of the night, I see his pearly whites show, his smile etching across his face. "Come on down!" He shouts quietly and I roll my eyes before nodding and closing the window, locking it back up.

I stand from my spot on the seat and walk over to my black Nike windbreaker jacket, putting it on before placing my feet in my white running shoes. Quickly, I look at myself in the mirror, my attire being a pair of black running leggings, a white tank top with a grey sports bra underneath, my jacket, and sneakers.

I nod my head in approval, running a hand through my messy, curly hair as I exit my room and quietly make my way down the hall and down the stairs.

My feet hit the wooden floor gently as I walk towards the back door, sliding it open and stepping out into the cold air before pulling the door shut. I walk over to the place where I last saw Jacob and see him, looking down at the ground in nothing but a long sleeved, black shirt and worn out jeans.

"Cold?" I ask, making him snap his head up in my direction and smiles, running over to me before embracing me in a hug.

"I'm never cold." He whispers in my ear and I laugh quietly, wrapping my arms around his torso, taking in his warmth.
"How are you doing?" He asks after a moment of silence and I sigh, pulling away from the hug.

"Let's not talk about that.." I trail off, placing my cold hands in the pockets of my jacket. Jacob nods and we both start to walk.

As we walk, I make sure I'm close to him, taking in the heat coming off from his body. "I know you don't want to talk about it but I'm sorry about everything with your dad.." He says, starting conversation and I shrug.

"Doesn't matter.. Things happen when we don't want them to." I say and we fall back into silence.

"What did you think about the bonfire?" Jacob starts again and I smile, remembering the legends that were told.

"I thought it was good. I enjoyed the stories told." I say and look up at him, only to see him already looking down at me and I blush. Good thing it's dark out..

"What was your favorite part?" He asks and I think for a moment.

"The third wife how she-" I stop, noticing we were just outside the tree line of the forest. "No. We are not going in there!" I whisper shout and Jacob stops, looking at me.

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