Chapter Three

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I sat down on the couch, playing with the ringlets that cascade down from my shoulders to my waist, doing anything to avoid Sam's occasional stares. Ever since he called the boys, and Leah, he's been a little nicer. Just a little. But his cold stare never left his eyes. I lick my lips, tasting the mint flavor of my Chapstick before standing up and moving away from, what I'm guessing, the living room. Moving towards the kitchen, my right leg collides with the end of a side table, making me wince and grit my teeth.

"Shoot." I mutter under my breath as the pain travels up my leg, not daring to fade anytime soon. A quiet whimper leaves my mouth as I shrink to the floor, rubbing my leg hoping that it will help the pain go away.

"Are you okay?" His quiet, deep voice mutters behind me, causing me to jump and look up at the person I call my brother.

My lack of response makes him sigh, bending down and looks at my leg. Swiftly, he picks me up and sits me on the couch, my back agains the armrest, and places a pillow under my leg.

"There, that should help some." That being that, he left the room to Lord knows where. A groan escapes my mouth and I rest my head on the back out the couch. You just had to move, didn't you Chloee? I think to myself. You're an idiot, no wonder Sam hates you. Maybe you should be smarter, taller, prettier, not so-

My thoughts get interrupted with the sound of a door opening and a chatter filling the room. They're here...great...
I roll my eyes. I just hope that they aren't anything like Sam. My thoughts soon get interrupted when three young boys come in the living room, eyes on me.

"Hi!" One of them say. He was tall, tallest of the three, and muscular but not by much. He had brown eyes and tanned skin, his pearly whites making themselves known against the dark color. "I'm Seth, Seth Clearwater, and this is Brady Fuller-" he points to the smaller of the three, similar to Seth but not as muscular, "- and Collin Littlesea." He points to the other boy, his skin lighter than the other two and his eyes a lighter color; hazel, I'm guessing.

I smile softly and awkwardly wave. Yes, I said awkwardly because I'm an awkward, shy person. Not someone who does well when it comes to meeting people.
"Nice to meet you guys, I'm Chloee Matt- Uley." I groan inwardly. When mom and I moved, mom kept the last name Uley and I, however, wanted to be Matthews because it was easier that way. Not because I love my dad and want to have a part of him. No, he wasn't a good man. He was an abusive, drunkard who mom and I left. Don't know if he's still alive and, frankly, I don't care. But I wanted to keep Matthews because it helped me be someone else for a few hours at school or out shopping, someone other than Sam Uleys sister from La Push. People treated me differently because of it and yes, it's because what happened when Sam interfered with my bullying. Apparently news travels fast..

"....right, Chloee?" Brady asked, looking me dead in the eye. Uh oh, what did he say? What did he just ask me? I went with a safe route to reply and shrugged, smiling softly. "That's for you to decide." He nods, taking my lame but clever answer and I sigh a relief.

I get up from the couch and move—more like wobbled—towards the kitchen to see if Emily needed any help. Of course I had to pass the dining room to get into the kitchen and that's where I saw more boys...wonderful! They were all talking and then the saw me, dropping their conversations to stare at the ginger with freckles scattered on her face. I blush lightly and look down, shifting my weight to my left foot. Someone clears their throat and approaches me, hand out and ready to shake mine when I put it there.

"Quil, Quil Ateara." He said. He was tall, maybe taller than Sam, and had a good amount of muscles that were defined against his tanned skin. I nod, placing my hand in his and shake it. Muttering my name, noticing how his hand is oddly warm; hot, actually.
"Nice to meet you." He says, his warm voice making me look up for a brief moment to give him a small smile. I pull my hand away and continue my way towards the kitchen when I run into a wall, or someone. I lose my balance and the person, he, catches me, both hands on my waist.

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