Chapter Seventeen

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"Em!" I shout, running down the stairs.

I just got out of the shower, changed into a pair of black leggings and an oversized rosy pink knit sweater with a pair of rosy pink fluffy ankle socks to complete my "lazy" outfit. Once I was dressed, I overheard that the whole "gang" had to go out and do some "work" and I'm going to take advantage of this to investigate. I need to know what that thing is.

"In the living room!" Emily shouts and I direct myself in that direction. "Hey," I stop in my tracks, watching Emily make a long list of food we need. "What are you doing?" I ask slowly, scared that she might ask me to go get the thousands of food she's writing down. "I'm in charge of food for the bonfire and its tomorrow so I need to go out in a bit to get the stuff." She says, writing down one last thing before turning her attention to me. "What's up?"

I sigh, walking over to the single chair and sit down, crisscrossing my legs. "I saw something today. On my run." I start, watching Emily's reaction closely.

Realization, shock, confusion covers her face but she quickly composes herself, pretending that she doesn't know what I'm talking about. "What do you mean?" She asks, placing the pen and notepad down next to her. "I saw a giant, russet colored wolf." I say, leaning my elbows on my knees. "It stared at me like it knew me, Em." She gets up, running a hand through her long hair. "I really don't know what you're talking about, sorry."

A sigh escapes my lips and I run a hand through my dampen hair. Well that was a crash and burn, I think to myself and I hear Emily walk over to the front door with keys in her hand. "I'm heading to the store, be back soon!" She shouts and I look over to her, nodding with a smile on my lips. "Be safe!" I yell out to her as she walks out the front door, closing it behind her.

I lean back into the chair, remembering the last time I was here alone. Please don't happen again.. I think to myself and I make myself comfortable, pulling my sleeves down and over my hands before closing my eyes, deciding to take a nap and catch up on the sleep I've been losing due to the nightmares.


Jacobs P.O.V

We all phase out of our wolf forms, putting on our clothes before emerging from the woods. We found the scent that was is Chloee's room and chased it passed Port Angels, but we lost it after a few miles. The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about Chloee and the danger she is in as long as that thing is out there.

"You almost ran faster than Leah, Jake!" Embry says, walking over to me and punches me in the arm. I smile, pushing him slightly. "Just determined to catch that leech." I tell my best friend, walking over to Emily's with everyone else. "And to protect your imprint." Quil says, deciding to butt in.

I roll my eyes, noticing the empty driveway and I shoot a look to Sam. "Emily needed to get food for the bonfire." He answers my unasked question and I nod. Part of me hopes that Chloee stayed behind but anther part hopes that she went with Emily, went somewhere safe especially when last time she was alone it didn't end well..

We all follow Sam up the porch steps and he opens the front door, all of us entering the nice house we all call our second home. The three younger boys walk into the kitchen to get food, no doubt, while Sam walks upstairs to call someone and the rest of us make our way into the living room. The loud voices stop talking and I look up from my stare on the floor, seeing a sleeping redhead on the single chair, making me smile.

I walk closer to her, everyone staying in their spots, and I hear her soft heartbeat, the heart that stutters when I touch her, speak to her, look at her, the heart that I will forever love. Chloee is curled into a ball, her hands in fists up against her face – one fist over her mouth and another over the bridge of her nose – and her mouth is open slightly, soft breaths coming in and out it. I smile, squatting down and brush a strand of hair out of her face causing her heartbeat to pick up. A soft chuckle escapes my lips and I stand up, carefully picking her up before sitting back down in the seat, making sure she's comfortable on my lap before turning my attention back to the guys and Leah.

"You guys can come and do whatever, just be quiet." I tell them, wrapping my arms around her small, curvy waist. Chloee snuggles her face in my neck, her soft breaths hitting my skin and I close my eyes, resting my head against the chair. With her in my arms, my life is complete.

I smile, happy that the spirits have given me her; the beauty in my arms.

"You're telling her tomorrow, right?" Seth asks and I open my eyes, looking at him before looking down at her. I nod my head, kissing her forehead and I smile at the sound of her heart spazzing out. Even when she's sleeping I make her crazy. "Planning on it." I answer his question and after that, everyone just talks quietly amongst themselves or play video games with the volume down low enough to keep Chloee from waking up. I smile to myself and lean my head back, closing my eyes, joining my beautiful imprint in a nap; a nap that I need.


Chloee's P.O.V

I open my eyes, waking up, and all I see is black fabric. Confused, I trail my eyes up and see a sleeping Jacob, making me smile. Two times in one day, I think to myself and I look down, grabbing one of his hands before playing with his fingers, not daring to wake him up. He needs the sleep and I know that.

Jacob stirs in his sleep and I look up, my brown eyes meeting his and we both smile. "Hi.." He whispers. "Hey.." I whisper back, hearing voices in the living room. Jacob starts to move and I place my hand on his chest, shaking my head. "Don't move.." I continue to whisper, resting my head on his right shoulder and close my eyes. "Please, don't move.." I say, grabbing his left hand with my right one.

"I won't, I'll stay here." He says, entwining our fingers together, making my heart stutter. Jacob chuckles as if he could hear my heart, and pulls me closer to him before resting his head on mine.

I bring our locked hands up to my chin, the back of his left hand against my chest. Jacob kisses the top of my head, making me smile, and he rests his head back on mine, both of us fitting together like a puzzle piece.

"I have a question.." I say, breaking the silence. Jacob hums a reply and I take that as my cue to keep talking. "Have there been any wolf sightings or something?" I ask. Jacob moves his head from being on mine and sits me up more so we can see each other. "Uh, why?" He nervously asks and I squint my eyes, crossing my arms. "Don't play dumb." I say, getting mad. Why won't anyone give me a straight answer?

"I'm not! I swear." He quickly says, resting his hands on my waist. I ignore the flips my stomach is doing and continue to glare at him. "Woah, is someone due for you know what." Embry jokingly says, entering the living room. I roll my eyes, wiggling my way out of Jacobs arms before standing up and walk over to him. "I start my day in a pool of my own blood.. Is that how you'd like me to end yours?" I ask him. Embry quickly shakes his head, eyes wide, and I smile. "That's what I thought." I continue my way out of the living room and up the stairs.

Yes, shark week is coming up but that's not the reason why I'm mad. I'm learning that they're keeping something hidden from me and I don't like it. So, if they're not going to tell me....

I'll figure it out on my own.

A/N: I know it's Thursday but I'm not going to be able to upload a chapter on Monday so I'm going to upload one today and one tomorrow!

I hope you guys enjoyed this early update!!!

Until next chapter,

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